I decided to go to church for the first time in years, and the topic happened to be healing. We were told to open ourselves to it, and if we felt it to go to the front. I was hesitant at first, but I could literally feel a presence push me towards the front. When I got up front there was this overwhelming energy/presence and I started crying. I just wanted to share this experience, and see if anyone else has had experiences like this with any spiritual force. I don't have a set path, and I believe in the Christian God, and pagan gods and goddesses, basically I follow my own path.
I haven't been to a church in years nothing against them I just get a different feeling that makes me very uncomfortable. I don't have a set path either as I am still searching.
When I do such things, I get a strange, feeling like I'm being watched, and studied, I get cautious at times, it has been a long time since I have been to a church, but when I do, it feels strange, almost curios.
Some gods and spirits are different from others. I believe that YHWH and the Christian angels are rather observant of humanity and they do offer strength and compassion when we need it. I've felt it before. But the Christian god is 'jealous'. He doesn't like it if you worship other gods though believing and respecting them isn't wrong in his view. And he's not too fond of magic as it alters ones life path and he reserves that right.
In my perception of things, the Ascended Masters and Gods are responsible for most of our required, spiritual growth and the negative beings that exist around us, have still twisted things. Even those as careful as Buddhists, have this corruption of focusing on one belief or that knowledge can only come one way.
I've had these experiences in the past and I have felt them from many different deities.
We should be willing to accept other beings and other versions of people's truth, for each belief that exists, holds the grains of truth.
Well it was actually humanity that had condemned Ricans, pagans, and occult, because we were on a very high rate of exploration, and the main goal was (for everyone) "conquer, gain wealth, convert", and millions of all kinds of views were prosecuted, and murdered, actually not even prosecuted, just unjustly murdered, aswell as not even a quarter of the 6 million to 9 million, weren't even practitioner of any art, just blindly murdered.