
Forums ► Spell Suggestions ► Potions
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Post # 1
Hi, I am a new user and just starting wizardry. Do you have any potion recipes? Please be honest, this could become the number one spot for people interested in alchemy. :)
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Re: Potions
Post # 2
Hi and welcome to SOM, I suggest you read The Basics, What Magick Can and Cannot Do, and the different types of Magick before starting any spells. If you have any questions you can mail me and I can answer as best I can :).

What Magick Cannot Do - http://www.spellsofmagic.com/read_post.html?post=848038

The Basics Expanded - http://www.spellsofmagic.com/read_post.html?post=483942

Different Types of Magick - http://www.spellsofmagic.com/coven_ritual.html?ritual=1096&coven=245

Newbie Central is also a good place to check out - http://www.spellsofmagic.com/newbie_central.html

As for potions, check out the spell list and search "potion" you will find a lot of great recipes! What kind of potion are you looking for?
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Re: Potions
Post # 3
Any, as long it's stuff I can find around the house.
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Re: Potions
By: / Novice
Post # 4
lmao, i love it 'any, as long as it's stuff i can find around the house' glad to see you're determined provided you don't have to go outside. it's cold out! [i say wrapped in a blanket lol]

well walk before you run [aka, read the articles proved by Shadow] but regarding your question young wizard [side note: most just go with 'witch' even males. you can call yourself a wizard if you wish, just realize this isn't Harry Potter] a potion is simply a liquid spell, so you can call anything a potion if you make it for magickal purposes.

example, take some chamomile tea, as the water boils cup your hands around the cup with the teabag inside and visualize/feel energy entering the cup and pooling inside. reflect on your desired intent [in this case, we'll go with relaxation] when the kettle is done, pour the water over the teabag and say a little chant [chamomile sooth, help me snooze. stress of the day go far away] when ready sit comfortably, and slowly sip the tea, visualize the stress of the day disappearing, and feel the calming effect. there, that's a potion. if you make soup, or even a bath and do the same steps [choose the items for a specific reason, charge with energy, visualize intent, and reflect on what your goal is] you've made a potion.

also, keep in mind, not all potions are meant to be consumed. like with the path, oils and lotions are not to be drunk, but anointed. there are even some you need to carry. what makes them a potion is the fact they are a liquid. [again, don't expect Harry Potter solutions] you might consider researching magick and 'the basics' a little bit. best of luck to you.
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