Everyone lend my your ear

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Everyone lend my your ear
Post # 1
You all have been sitting and doing nothing. i say the truth. what we must and need to do is stand up! right now where fighting each other!
We need to share knowledge and fight together when the time comes! I ask for nothing from you, Only that you may work together when the time comes for it!
Who knows maybe they well go back and burn us or though is in water.
IT IS TIME TO FORGIVE EACH OTHER! Don't fight on who is the best or the most powerful mage! It well only be a pointless battle.
It is time to chance! not for me. but for yourself and too for the world!
That is all i asked. is it really to much to ask?

now some of you guys have helped and the other have not. i think we should talk about the main subject and not what other people say on here.
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Re: Everyone lend my your ear
Post # 2
"Who knows maybe they well go back and burn us or though is in water."

no offence. But seriously, are you out of your mind?
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Re: Everyone lend my your ear
Post # 3
Chaos isn't out of his mind..
He's just raising an issue, that will attract people to silence him..
Those people are the ones who cannot be bothered..
Hey Chaos, fighting for life is like delaying living on Earth.. Christians like heaven, Good luck mate.
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Re: Everyone lend my your ear
Post # 4
right now anything in this world can happen. if i have lost my mind does not mean i am dumb and have no idea what i am talking about. if you look into the world today, do you still think they well go that far? i have a few friends that if they even said they where a witch or do magick everyone in the build or 50 rd reach was trying to hurt them or kill them. why don't you go to where every you work or school and yell out you do magick and see what the other people well do or say. they have not changed from before... they only think we are bad and evil because in history they said all wrong things about us, but they still think that is us. now do you still think i have lost my mind?
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Re: Everyone lend my your ear
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
It is up to us to act and live in a way that does not make us look bad. You can do more to change the world with your daily actions then all the words you write in your lifetime. Yes, we do need to stand up and work together to change the word. We need to put aside the fighting between us and stand as one without causing problems but helping to solve them.
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Re: Everyone lend my your ear
Post # 6
I am with you Chaos all the way.
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Re: Everyone lend my your ear
Post # 7
y did u make a new one?
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Re: Everyone lend my your ear
Post # 8
because the other one was full of fights and misunderstanding words...

p.s. darrked343 is the one that is doing this. even tho he is a little off...
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Re: Everyone lend my your ear
Post # 9

"because the other one was full of fights and misunderstanding words" Yes thts true, but those weren't the only things tht were in it.
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Re: Everyone lend my your ear
Post # 10
i know. but as long as you have read it then you know. i only said the first part of the post so people know it is the same post.
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