Need help

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Need help
Post # 1
I'm having a bit of trouble making a spell.
I need something to dispell obsession. It's very important that I get to perform this. For my sake.
I'm also a little strapped for cash so something that can be performed on a budget is preferred.
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Re: Need help
Post # 2
Writing your own spell will be more powerful, as for an obsession, I am not sure a spell will work, I don't know much about dispell obsession spells, but have you tried talking to your doctor? They might help faster and more then a spell. Also, before casting spells you need to study and learn, never jump into anything until you have read what Magick is.

Here are the articles/forums you need to read first.

Starting Out:

The Basics Expanded :


Grounding and Centering :

The Elements :

Magical Correspondences :

How to Write Your Own Spells -

How to Astral Project -

If you have any questions you can ask me or the forums

Just know if anyone asks you for money, it's usually a scam. Never give out personal info!
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Re: Need help
By: / Novice
Post # 3

ShadowCast has given you some excellent resources for helping you with writing spells. This is, as stated, the best way to not only become more comfortable with casting, but become more proficient with your spells.

The best part is that it does not cost a thing! Once you are comfortable with writing your spells you can do research on adding to your spells. A good place to start is using herbs or crystals. This does cost money but generally if you research what herbs work for what spells, you can incorporate them to your spell. There are also several herbs that can be used for the same effect, so you can shop around for better prices on herbs.

Crystals can also have the same effect but again research on which one to use for what you are trying to accomplish will take time.

Starting out by writing your spells is the best and I am sure over time you will become more and more comfortable with developing your craft. Everyone is different in how they write spells and cast, so finding your own means of becoming attuned in this sense is all part of developing your skills.

Good luck!

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