Weight loss

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Weight loss
Post # 1
So, This is my first post, I am new. I am 5' 0" and weigh 143 pounds. I have gone on countless diets, I exercise and hour 5 days per week and I have tried countless of spells to lose weight. Nothing has worked for me. Has anyone had any experience or success with weight loss spells, and does anyone have any tips for me? Anything is appreciated at this point.
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Re: Weight loss
Post # 2
Alright, so when I first got into magick, it was with sigils. The first success story was about a guy who wanted to lose weight and was having trouble with it. I think the phrase he used was something along the lines of, "I want to weigh 160 pounds at the end of the year." So he cast the sigil, and in the next year, drastically changed his lifestyle and lost nearly fifty pounds. So maybe try sigils, I guess is what I'm saying. You're still going to have to work for it, but it can be done, you know? I have faith in you, DreamMachine!
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Re: Weight loss
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3

I think before turning to magic, you should consider going to your doctor to ask for input. There may be a medical condition, like an underactive thyroid, that is preventing you from losing the weight. There may be something with the way you are eating, such as not getting enough protein in to make up for how much you are burning off through exercise. Having a doctor check those things out is what I would recommend before attempting weight loss spells. I have actually lost 100 pounds this past year (crazy!) and was only able to do so after getting the medical help that I didn't know I needed.

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Re: Weight loss
By: / Novice
Post # 4
do you measure by the number on the scale only? my problem is the scale never goes down, but i tone, so you might want to measure your arms, chest, waist, hips and legs occasionally and mark the results.

you might also be eating the wrong foods, or perhaps eating too much or too little. speak with a dietitian to help come up with a meal plan which could help you. if you eat too much your body stores fat, but the same can be true of under-eating. plus many say it's better to have a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains and reduce the dairy and meat.

another option could be you're stressing yourself out causing the weight plateau. you're too focused on loosing weight your body is storing fat due to stress. there's also the possibility your 5 hour workouts are not being properly utilized. if you do 5 hours running eventually your body will get use to it, but if you do a 10 minute warm up, 30 minute run, 30 minutes weight lifting, and a 10 minute cool down switching up what specifically you're doing for each [one week it's tread mill, next its rowing, the week after the step master] this gives your body different activities to do and not get use to a set routine so it needs to keep working [plus you should have a rest day every so often to let your muscles heal]

now as for spells, you could try my weight loss aid but this doesn't make you loose weight, it acts as a motivator, you focus all the things holding you back from your goal and release them. the aid will then help you stick to your goal. of course you should be reasonable about it, and don't obsess over weight loss. health is one thing, but you shouldn't focus so much on your weight, it's a vicious cycle:

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Re: Weight loss
Post # 5
Thank you
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Re: Weight loss
Post # 6
The weight loss spells are only to better increase the chances of losing weight, magick cannot reform your body to lose weight, if you continue to have problems on losing weight contact a dietitian and they can help you since that's there rea
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Re: Weight loss
By: / Novice
Post # 7

As Personified mentioned, the best thing you can do if what you have been trying isn't working, is go to your doctor and ask for their input on the matter. There are diet pills that do work, but I personally think they're a little risky but spellwork isn't exactly going to be your best option in this matter.

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