execution of witches...

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execution of witches...
Post # 1
as a matter of fact execution witvhes is related to relegoius origin in 3 relegions Jewish Christianity and islam as the god forbidden the magic but if we go back to history we see that those witches and some of them are giving themselves to the authority to be executed for there belief in other life because if they left that way from inside of themselves the god forgives them for magic and the execution is by burning them in fire in Christianity islam and jewish or other ways just like burying them in sand till head and hit them with rocks till death no body say any bad words to them because they got absolution and have no mistakes...but now adays religion laws are idle except for isis in iraq and syria but some governments punish the magicians as it not allowed action in their law
but we see freedom for all thats in usa and some countries inspite of it rejects the religious ward of most of that people in usa or any other country.....
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