Though I just made this account, I am not new to this, I have been practicing magick for awhile now. My problem is I am not really sure where to go from here so I decided that maybe if I see the world from beyond my own eyes I would gain better insight on my goals. I have been practicing astral projection for a few months. I have been able to reach that stage where you get all tingly, however I can never seem to separate from my body. Would you guys mind sharing your methods on this. Also are there any risks I should know about astral projection?
The technique that worked for me was to perform a dream-intent. IE; to establish an intent and purpose to your activities while you sleep. In my case, I used a statement like 'I will enter the astral through my dreamscape." while in a deepened state of meditation.
Your own practice should be easy to adapt, just do the same thing as usual, just before you usually go to sleep. And if you are feeling stymied again then use a similar affirmation or personal statement while you are in that tingly stage. repeat it to yourself a few times (three, six, or nine times depending on personal preference). Just make sure the statement is one of assured success. For example making sure you begin the statement with "I will" rather than "I want to".
As far as risks, there normally aren't many. of course it depends on what you intend to do with your astral explorations. Just like in life, you find what you are looking for. if you go out looking for trouble, you find it. if you go out looking for a place of learning, or to meet with your guide, etc, then you find that too.
As far as the common questions on safety of your body while you are 'away', there isn't much risk there either. Your body is yours, plain and simple. There is an indelible connection of spirit and body from the moment you take your first breath that can't be replaced or overridden. Nothing can 'step in' and try to take your place. Nor can you 'die' astrally.
There are instances when you can be attacked, but like I have already said that depends entirely on you and where you intend to explore. Attack can result in a form of harm through becoming energetically drained, having your energy become unbalanced or otherwise knocked 'out of whack', and sometimes developing or attracting an attachment from another entity that might try to continue to attack or harass you. If you -really- need to visit a lower or more negative plane, either case is mitigated through a development of personal power and awareness, and/or appropriate preparations before hand, and cleansing/clearing after.