I'll Need Some Volunteers

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I'll Need Some Volunteers
Post # 1
Dear Reader,

I need some volunteers to test out my 4 spells (not the money spell because that just wastes a green candle or 2, but if you're willing too be my guest...).

I cannot do the spells myself because my house is far too noisy, and there's hardly any room. Even in my room, which is like 11 x 12 feet. o~O'

Anyways, volunteers please? I'll need maybe... 4-8, meh. And also, I'd prefer people whom are advanced; I don't want to hear somebody say the spell doesn't work when they've been practicing magick for 2 days. o.o'

Fill out the application to apply (just do the spell, I'm not going to say "Sure you can do the spell" blah blah blah; I'm lazy. xD ... ... ... >.>'):


1. I've been practicing/doing magick for...
2. I'd like to do the spell that's named...

After doing the spell, message, I repeat MESSAGE, me the following:


1. What happened while you were casting the spell? Did you feel anything strange?
2. Were you concentrating hard during the spell?
3. Was there any noise from anyone(thing) in the process of the spell?


1. Did the spell work?
2. (If the answer was yes to the question above, please answer this...)How strong was the spell?
3. How long did it take you to do the spell on estimation?
4. Did you feel relaxed, stressed, the same or anything else after the spell?

That's all you need to do. I thank you for helping me. If I have anymore spells for you to do, I might ask you to do that spell. Thanks again!

~Tails Turrosaki
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Re: I
Post # 2
Still no volunteers?? Hmm...
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Re: I
Post # 3
i'll volenteer, got nothing better to do
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Re: I
Post # 4
OK; Please fill out the application and do everything else. =D
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Re: I
Post # 5
i will do it for you...actually i want to try all 4 spells
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Re: I
Post # 6
Be my guest, Jakob.
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Re: I
Post # 7
what spells are they? If I knew, I might be willing to try.
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Re: I
Post # 8
They're on my profile; scroll to the bottom and you'll see them.

Don't forget to fill out the application. >.>
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