Ingredient meaning

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Ingredient meaning
Post # 1 I want to find out wat ingredients mean for example a phoenix's feather...does that mean a real phoenix's feather??...
also recently I found out that eye of the really daisy??..
oh and I also want and online store(for witch craft) recommendation..

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Re: Ingredient meaning
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
Eye of newt does not mean daisy. Eyes means daisy. As far as I know eye of newt is calling for an eye of a newt. Now tongue of dog means houndstongue which is an herb that silences the tongues of "dogs". Many old ingrdients were code words, but some were not. That is why "witchcraft" was/is an oral tradition, the code can never be broken if you don't know which ones are code words and which ones are not.
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