
Forums ► General Info ► Question...spirit
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Post # 1
Ok well on Sunday my family is going to the eastern state penitientary in philly. And obviously it has spirits occupying it. And im kinda worried me or one of my family members may get an evil spirit that latches on to us. Kinda like possession in a way. Is there a spell or chant I can use to protect myself?
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Re: Question...spirit
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Today's not sunday? At any rate, you need to keep in mind that no spirit has the authority to posess you unless you give it to them, however, when in doubt meditate. Build yourself a shield (a forcefield if you will, lol) around yourself and your family. Build this shield from positive energy saying "this is my shield and is made of the positive. No negative, entity or force may pass through it. My shield protects me from all who would do me harm".

This has always worked for me. It's at least a good place to start.
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