A contract with clients

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A contract with clients
Post # 1
Hello all! I have recently just started practicing wicca, my mom taught me a little bit and I have learned a bit through books.

My main concern is helping friends and others.
I am currently helping a friend from England, and I just wanted to know if people do contracts with clients? and if so, what are some examples and what do people put in it as a disclaimer or something.

I really want to help my friend, but I dont want it backfiring on me. I will cast a protection spell on myself and my husband, but other than that is there a written thing?

Any help would be much appreciated!
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Re: A contract with clients
Post # 2

Could you explain a little further on what exactly do you mean by contract? Do you mean by you teaching them or..?

If that's what you mean, you'd have to make sure they're of age, if not then the person would need their parents consent.

As to contracts for teaching someone something, I don't find that necessary. You could help your friends, family, etc.. and not need to havea contract written just to do so. However to teach ( if that's what you're refering to ) you'd have to make sure your knowledge is true, have sources to back it up, etc. So it's more " credible " and you're actually spreading true information instead of wrong one.

Of course this all depends on what you're actually trying to achieve. From what you've written I take it has you're trying to teach your friend about wicca. However I am not so sure since I do not have that information.

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