right coven for me?

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right coven for me?
Post # 1
i have not been able to find the right one because i like small covens and in my last one my sister died so we disbanded i was the only one who stood and refused to let go but nobodyu else has ever had that fight in them. i could not find the right coven for that one reason. pls help me
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Re: right coven for me?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

Are you looking for a real-life coven or for an on-line coven such as those we have on this site?

If you're looking for a real-life coven I must say that no reputable coven is going to take anyone as a member who is under the age of majority. That is 19 in most states. There are serious legal reasons why this is not done.

There are quite a few on-line covens her on Spells of Magic that might give you some coven experience. Just click on the Groups tab at the top of the page, read the coven descriptions, and then follow the instructions for applying for membership.

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