Help With the 12 Chakra's

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Help With the 12 Chakra's
Post # 1

Good afternoon everyone.

Lately I have been studying the minor chakras, and have come to the conclusion that there is a Soul Star, Earth Star, And Divine Gateway Chakra. Along with a few more, but I cant seem to find 2 websites with the same opinions and information on these chakras.. I'm at least looking for the most common opinion on which chakras there really are in these systems. Is there a Spirit chakra or not? Are there really 13 chakras not 12? Are the Aura Chakra and spirit star the same thing? Is the Gaia Portal part of this system? Are there Chakras that are lesser known or that I'm completely missing? What are these chakras BijaMantras?

I would love to hear from someone of greater knowledge and skill than myself, in hopes I can answer these questions.

Thank you so much for reading this and taking the time to help.

Brightest blessings and wishes


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Re: Help With the 12 Chakra's
By: / Novice
Post # 2

In the Indian chakra system there are 7 major chakra. If you look into the purpose and function of these it makes sense why there are only 7. Now, there are minor chakra on the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet and various other places over the body. These all have their specific functions. If you are looking for more information on the chakra system from that perspective I would recommend The Chakras by C.W. Leadbeater. This, however, is not the only way to look at the energy centers throughout the body. There are five, or ten depending on how you look at them, in the kabbalistic system. There are three in traditional Chinese medicine system. Although there is some overlap with these, I wouldn't recommend combining these different viewpoints into one to make more chakra. The functions of them do not always translate directly. If someone is claiming that there are 12 or 13, that sounds like they are combining multiple systems. There is enough within the 7 Indian chakra to keep a serious student busy for a lifetime. As far as a Soul Star, Earth Star and a Divine Gateway Star, never heard of them.

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Re: Help With the 12 Chakra's
Post # 3

Thank you for the help

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Re: Help With the 12 Chakra's
Post # 4
there are many systems of thought on the matter, i suggest reading into as many of them as possible without trying to mix them up as mentioned above.

there is Wu Xing which is chinese 5 elements.

there is chakras, classic hindu system of 7 centers.

there is new age chakras, which are the ones you mentioned and they number 13, until someone comes along and says no, no that's all wrong lol.

the Taoist centers of the microcosmic orbit in conjunction with meridians is the system i really enjoy. depending how it is counted, there are 18 major centers in this orbit.

hope this helps.
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Re: Help With the 12 Chakra's
Post # 5

Definitely! Thanks so much!

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