This guide can be used to help you create spells for every occasion. It lists all the materials, tools and stages that may be included in a spell but you will not need to use every item every time - some you will only use for formal rituals.
Choose the subject matter of your spell, bearing in mind the
Threefold Law.
Note down the purpose of the spell and the order in which you
intend to work. Decide whether it will be divided into phases, such as invoking the four elements, raising and releasing the power or merge into one.
Plan what you are going to say and write it down. (You may of
course let the words come to you spontaneously.)
Choose the time for your spell. Check the following influences:
1. The seasons
2. The equinoxes
3. The phase of the Moon
4. The day of the week
5. The hour
Check any time limits (for example, 'May this spell hold sway until the Moon has ebbed away') and ensure that you can adhere to them.
Choose the place for your spell. If you are working out of doors, and it is a spell that will last over several days, bear in mind any possible changes in the weather. Make sure you have enough room for the circle you intend to cast. Set up your altar in advance, if you can.
Choose candles for the altar, to mark the quadrants of the circle and to represent people. Check they are the right colour. Choose elemental candles.
Inscribe your candles.
Anoint your candles.
Choose your associated symbols that will act as a focus for the spell.
Choose your elemental tools.
Choose your herbs. Decide if you are going to empower them
before or during the ceremony and write down the words if
necessary. Make any sachets or poppets you intend to use.
Choose your oils.
Choose your incenses.
Choose your crystals.
Choose your ritual substances.
Consecrate the ritual substances.
The Ceremony
Cast your circle.
Invoke the elements and spirits neccisary.
Focus on the symbol of the spell and declare your intentions.
Endow the symbol with magical energies, chanting if appropriate.
Raise the power to absorb energy from the cosmos, creating a cone of power.
Release the power, sending it out into the cosmos.
Close the energies down.
Uncast the circle.
Ground the energies.
After The Ceremony
Dispose of materials - some may need to be left out in the light of the Moon, or buried or thrown to the winds; others may be kept, wrapped in silk, or sent to the person for whom the spell is intended.
Snuf out all the candles, unless they are to be left to burn down. If this is the case, make sure there is no risk of fire.