My second thread here (I had an account many moons ago).
Ive been trying to astral project for over a year and still cant. I have not even gotten sleep paralysis!! I practice almost every night!! Ive tried everything imaginable. I feel so lost and sad. I very much want to have an AP experience.
Can anyone offer me some advice? I dont think many people try for this long without results and it feels a bit like defeat. I havent given up, but dont know what else to do.
Astral projection does take a lot of time and experimentation to figure out. Some people find that some methods work on them while some methods do not. There are some methods that simply don't work at all on me. Usually when people have issues it's because of a lack of practice and experimentation.
If you have been practicing every day for a whole year with absolutely no improvement, my guess would be it's either a step is being messed up or that there is another factor interfering with your progress. You sounded stressed in your last post about your important phone call. Perhaps you're so stressed that it's inpairing your ability to let go completely to sleep.
There are other possible factors keeping you from projecting:
* Partners in bed that distract or wake you
* Children/Noise keeping you up.
* Being too tired (AP requires energy! Though it's often quite refreshing, you always risk just falling asleep if you're trying to project tired!)
* Not practicing during the day and only at night (usually at night you're already tired and mentally set to sleep, not project).
* Performing steps wrong/falling asleep on accident (usually you have either very vivid dreams or start lucid dreaming as a result of it)
* Wearing tight clothing/Being too cold/Not being comfortable
* Caffeine/Energy drinks (obvious reasons)
* Being too afriad/Worry/Carrying daily stresses (You have to be relaxed, unafraid, and mentally clear of any negative emotions )
Final note, maybe you're trying too hard? Take a week off, just sleep normally. I find this helps some people who are attempting to AP to figure it out naturally.
Work on Chakras, because in this way the energy will flow better. Used to have to same problem. Oh and, when you do that thingy, you should focus on firstly seeing the place you want to go and then, focus on going there. Remote view is for this but it ain't hard to do it happens quickly. :)
I had the same issue for a while, but then I started to AP in the morning, instead of at night, and everything worked much better for me. Also, make sure you're completely relaxed. Try different styles, too.I can't AP very well unless I'm alone in a quiet room. For some people, though, music helps them transition.
Try a different method, if you do what youve always done then youll get what you always had.
Daily meditation is required in order to achieve the necessary states required for projection.
Where your mind goes the body follows. If your thinking upon your body, youll stay in your body. Turn your attention to a place or even an item ( in your room or someplace else ).
I project through breath, as I exhale.