real or fake

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real or fake
Post # 1
Ok so I heard that a lot of spells on this site are not real and will not work but I also heard that there are some real ones here to . So I was wondering if you all could help me as the beginner I am and tell me what type of spells are fake and will not work like key words and tips.
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Re: real or fake
Post # 2
Okay, let me lay this out for you and everyone else that asks this question. We get this question at least 3 times a month in one form or another and it is really frustrating to some of us that y'all don't read the full threads on the topic and find the posts with the valuable advise.

So, here you go, remember you asked for it.

If you don't know what spells are real and which are fake, don't do spells! Would you start messing with the electricity in your house without knowing which lines were live and which were not?

Learn what magic is. We have several posts on this across this website. There are hundreds of websites on the internet that discuss what real magic is. There are thousands of books on the topic, our site store sells them too!

Learn how magic works. This goes in line with the first part. 99% of the books, articles and sites that tell you what magic really is also tell you how it really works. Read. Educate yourself.

Learn what magic can and cannot do. There are limits to what magic can do. There are limits to what you can expect magic to do. There is no spell that will make your life easier, better, whatever if you do not put some real world work into your goal as well. (I've tied, I still aint no millionaire.)

Learn to tell what is reality and what is fiction!! We should have all learned this in grade school but for some reason some of us refuse to believe it.

Read. Study. Practice. Make mistakes. Do it all again. This is a craft it is not a study in perfection. Things go wrong. Life is messy.

Now, you are annoyed with me as I have not given you the answers you want. I am not going to!

I will point you in the direction of information that will help you if you choose to do some work for yourself.

Our general information section has some great posts on this topic. They are stuck at the top. There are other posts across the site that will help you as well. Just in case y'all missed it, there is a search bar for the site, plug in what you want to know and read the posts that come up, not just the first two or three responses to the thread but the whole thing. Read pages of posts. (If you don't get the types of answers you were intending, change the wording of the search)

Google or whatever search engine your prefer. This is the internet age, you are the internet generation and y'all can't seem to work a search engine? Dear Goddess what a miserable existence for you! I, and others on this site, were limited on what we could find for information on witchcraft, spells, magic that wasn't filtered through Christianity. We still managed to do it. You have the internet, use it!

Modern magic by Kraig
Most books by Scott Cunningham cover this topic
Witchcrafting by Curott

Just look through the book section of the site store or amazon or barnes and noble.
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Re: real or fake
Post # 3
Ok thank you and I have been doing that stuff like for one looking up stuff .( how do you think I founded this site) and reading books online I for my self just blive any thing is possible if you try hard enough . ..... but still thank you
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Re: real or fake
Post # 4
Sorry, you can try all you want. Some things are never gonna happen.
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Re: real or fake
Post # 5
I know but I mean stuff that is not like turning into a chair but other possible stuff
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Re: real or fake
Post # 6
Spells and magic are the same but the question is can anyone do it or how is it done or how come it works for them but not for me?'s like this spells work for everyone and anyone but it's how it affects you it will affect your spiritual body and mental body example let's say you want to become a vampire and you say a spell how long will it take to change you first conditions must be met to the fullest which as a full moon and mental power or belief that it will work also another boost is to open your chakra cause it helps a lot.

So that's a good example on how these spells work you need mental and spiritual growth
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Re: real or fake
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 7

Sero, it doesn't matter how hard you try or for how long, there is no magic that is going to turn you into any sort of mythical being. That isn't how magic works, and if that is what you have been trying then I am no surprised that your spell attempts are not working. Many things cannot be accomplished with magic, such as flying, teleportation, changing your physical body as in growing taller/shorter eye color, etc, invisibility, immortality and any of the sorts of things found in fantasy novels and in films.

For those who are serious in understanding magic, how it works, and in learning how to successfully cast spells, I would suggest reading and working through the exercises in these books:

"Spells and How They Work" by Janet and Stewart Farrar

"Modern Magick" by Donald Michael Kraig

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