
Forums ► Other Spells Discussion ► Meditating
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Post # 1
How long should one meditate? I don’t want to rush anything, or do it for too long if/when I need to meditate in a spell.
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Re: Meditating
Post # 2
How long to meditate is a personal choice. However in my opinion, the longer you can keep your energy focused on your meditation the stronger the spell/charm you are working on will be in the end. If you find you mind wandering it’s probably a good time to rap it up. Meditation can be a few minutes long to hours long depending of the purpose. For a simple spell, a few minutes should be good. In the end just close your eyes and meditate. Meditation shouldn’t be stressful, in fact it’s the exact opposite! Meditate until you feel you have accomplished the purpose of the meditation.

Blessed Be
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Re: Meditating
By: / Novice
Post # 3
It can depend on the work you're preparing to do. If it requires more concentration and focus, a longer meditation would put you in a better mindset. A simple 10 minute spell might only need a five minute meditation. Otherwise, it's really up to you. If you feel unprepared for longer meditations, start at 5-10 minutes and work your way up to wherever you want to be! Good luck!
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