intro into paganism?

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intro into paganism?
Post # 1
basically, i'm pretty new to everything and have been researching paganism and wicca for some insight and seeing if it was something i would do, however i dont really understand the wikipedia articles? if anyone could explain it to me (preferably with easy to follow language, just dumb it down for me if possible) i would be really greatful.
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Re: intro into paganism?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Explain what to you? The entirety of paganism and wicca? I don't think many will be eager to do that, but here's a basic rundown.

Do note: you don't have to follow any religion to be a witch or practice witchcraft.

Essentially, Paganism is used nowadays for polytheistic religions that revolve around certain Pantheons, which are cultures of or groups of deities from a culture. For example, the Greek, Roman, Egyptian, ect. pantheon. Usually, practitioners only pick one but you can pick several so long as you worship respectfully. Don't practice from any closed cultures (ones you have to be born/initiated into) and you should be good.

I am not Wiccan, so my information here will be very limited. Essentially, many people class Wicca under Paganism but it's an entirely separate religion and isn't using a specific pantheon. An inherent part of Wicca is witchcraft, so you can be a witch without Paganism or Wicca, and you can be Pagan without being a witch, but usually you are a witch if you practice Wicca. From my friends, Wicca worships two main deities (a feminine and masculine) and then if you'd like to you can worship others from other pantheons. (This is only my understanding, if I'm wrong anyone can and should correct me).

I hope that somewhat helps. If you have specific questions we can guide you a bit more, but an explanation of the entirety of a religion is a bit difficult.
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