Beginning witch

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Beginning witch
Post # 1
Hi there! My friend and I recently got into witchcraft and since we want to try and do spell work on Halloween (his idea) I was wondering if there were any basic spells/ingredients and things like that we should get to prepare or do day of
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Re: Beginning witch
Post # 2

I would look up on the basic of witchcraft. Protection as will maybe buy some crystals that will help you protect yourself when you cast the spell such as smokey Quartz and sun stone. October is the month where the veil is thinner if you are new to witchcraft learn about the basic before heading into spell casting on such a month especially on the day of Halloween.

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Re: Beginning witch
Post # 3

What exactly is it you'd like to cast on Samhain?

It would be a great start to have an intent when beginning spellwork.

Best to know exactly what type of spell you are interested in casting to bring about realistic results before considering undertaking spellwork.

Going into spell casting without personal investment in it, is not really going to yield solid results.

When one casts a spell they tend to have an intent. Serious practitioners do anyway.

So which type of spell or magic do you have interest in? Do you want to work with candles, sigils, colors, herbs?

Do you want to use a jar for ingredients, a bag, a poppet? A bowl?

What type of spell are you going to cast? A love working? Protection? Finance, or luck?

Will you utilize crystal, mirror, or herbal magic?

These are the questions you should be asking long before undertaking a working.

There are also these:

Do I need to cast a spell for this?

Do I know how I am going to reverse this if my results are not what I want/need?

Do I know how to raise, direct, and ground energy?

These are the things you should be looking into to start with. Learning about energy, how to sense it. How to direct and work with it. How to ground it.

Then you look to answering what your intent for casting is foremost, and then the type of spellwork you wish to proceed with.

There are also a multitude of things other than spellwork you can look into if you like that are related to witchcraft, such as divination.

Divination by the way, is a great practice for Samhain night, when the veil thins.

These are merely several things you can begin asking yourself, and looking into, to get yourself and your friend started.

Good luck to you both!
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Re: Beginning witch
Post # 4
Another concept I would consider is directors and limiters. These ensure that the spell does what you want it to as much as possible. Without them, your spell takes the path of least resistance, and people could be harmed. It's basically writing down and focusing on what sort of path you do and don't want the spell to take. If that sounds too complicated, than a simple intention that the spell does no harm to anyone should be enough. That is unless you're wanting to harm someone.
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