Certain magic?

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Certain magic?
Post # 1
Can people be born for certain magic? I've found that I can't do healing magic very well but I can do protection spells and enchantments really easily, is that normal or can we be born to be great in certain magic but not so good in other kinds?
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Re: Certain magic?
Post # 2

I am not certain if it is related to birth.

I am similar. I am great with protection spells, and have been able to accomplish money spells.

I find I do very well when manifesting as well.

As for healing I normally do not cast spellwork for this. I use a shamanic healing method coupled with an herbal and plant knowledge that helps relieve small ailments.

For healing I recommend a method more than spellwork. Whether it be diet, reiki, or something else.

But it is possible to better oneself in something one may not be skilled in when it comes to spellwork.

Those money spells I had success with? I had to learn to write and cast those. I had to learn how to work money spells. In fact I've recently had many attempted with no results.

I never thought I could sweeten someone with a spell. I had to practice sweetening spells and try them out a few times first. Many failed. Then more success with them came.

Are we naturally better in some areas than others? Maybe.

I can't make love or attraction spells work well.

But is natural talent alone the end of the matter? No.

There are areas we can always improve in.

There are whole methods and areas of magic to be learned.



Healing methods.




Psychic Ability.


In other words being talented with manifesting things, doesn't imply in any way I need stick to that.

Practicing in areas I have trouble in shows a willingness to improve, and work to learn a whole new area from scratch.

Then I may succeed more with attraction workings.

We as practitioners are not obligated to stick to what we know.

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