Something blocked?

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Something blocked?
Post # 1
So recently I’ve let go of my old lifestyle since I didn’t follow many of the beliefs. Now I feel guilty about leaving it behind and I’m afraid if I’ve upset any higher power (I used to “follow” christianity.. a massive change xD) Do you think the guilt is blocking any sort of chakra because I find it hard to focus on energies and connect to things? Or am I just being impatient and I need to practice more?
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Re: Something blocked?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Christianity (and Abrahamic religion in general) has a very dominant mindset of punishment for 'sin'. One of the major sins being leaving the faith as in their eyes it is the idea that if you've bee taught the consequences (IE; hell) then you must be willfully choosing to leave god's presence. (Basically, "you should know better")

This idea of punishment is so strong and ingrained that many churches (in the Americas at least) refer to themselves as good Christians by calling themselves 'God-fearing' folk.

If you were raised into Christianity, this subconscious air of fear and punishment can be on the mind without you even realizing it. And guilt is an emotion tied to doubt and fear; the thought or idea that you made a wrong or harmful choice.

This is only one possibility for what you are feeling, but it is not an uncommon cause. What I would suggest is to think on it whenever those feelings of guilt come up. If it helps, grab a paper and pen and write down a specific question. Something like "Why do I feel guilty?" Or "what do I feel like I am loosing/risking?"

It could draw out the thoughts and worries and give you something to explore. Whether it is ideas of disappointing family, peer pressure and judgement, entering into unknown territory... diving into the issue will teach you something about yourself if you pursue it long enough.
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Re: Something blocked?
Post # 3
Thank you so much for the idea, I will try that whenever I feel guilty :) I think it’s mainly because I feel guilty for leaving christianity.
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