Well it took about 8 or 9 months of diligent practice and getting to know exactly how my pendulums are choosing to work with me and finally I feel confident on how to read my answers.
How about all of you? Did you find it a process to learn to trust your pendulum answers or sessions?
It was an entire process for me to learn what meant what, and to be confident in reading it properly.
Pendulum came to me as easier to learn and trust than Tarot did. When I first started out, I would ask the pendulum obvious questions before every session so I would have a clear understanding of what a no and a yes looked like. A no was always a counterclockwise circle and a yes a clockwise circle. What really gave me confidence in the answers I got through pendulum was how quickly the pendulum would change its swing after a question. I could be asking questions that all could be answered with a yes and there will be a question that breaks the smooth rhythm it had going on so it could swing the other direction. I really felt like a quick process and it gave me confidence in my practice of divination.
When I use a pendulum they usually swing left to right for Yes and front to back for No. Depending on the question, a clockwise swing means it is possible, and a counter clockwise swing indicates less of a possibility or unsure. There are also mats that I have utilized in a more advanced practice of this form of divination.
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I do not use the pendulum by the usual method of asking what is a yes or no and maybe. I found of I did that my answers would change constantly, or I would have to ask again every use.
It took me a method of testing the pendulum. Keeping track of my sessions and seeing what movements the pendulum had given when there was a positive response, yes answer, and what movement it gave for negative responses, or no answers.
Come to find out most of my pendulum will sit and shake for a positive indication, what one may normally get for a maybe, and my pendulum will tend to swing for a no answer.
It took me awhile to figure it out. I see it didn't take a previous poster quite as much time. This I find interesting, our pendulum and tools and how they tend to work for us, and the differences between practitioners.