Dark Entity on Uni Quad

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Dark Entity on Uni Quad
Post # 1
One of my partners and I were sitting in a place that is known to some of our friends to have a negative force attached to it. It's currently the night after the end of Carnival, and while I should've known better than to go there tonight I wanted the familiarity of the spot. While we were talking, I noticed it was there (feeling was high between my shoulderblades), and once we got up, they said (later, once we were in a safe location) that they felt as though they could've looked back and seen the entity. Before we had left the walls of where we were through a 'gateway' (opening in the halfwalls), they began to cry for no reason. They weren't sad or happy or fearful, but shortly before we crossed the street they began to feel some sort of melancholy slowly spread through their chest. Is there some malevolent entity that could have caused that to happen?

It left us once we crossed the street because it seems to be confined to that quad, any time it feels inclined to follow someone it always stops once we cross onto the pedestrian street across the main drag. I am a demonolater, with Lucifer and Apollo as my patron deities, and my partner is a baby witch who was immediately drawn to the 'darker' areas of magick. They say that they know what it is, but can't find the words for it. I can't see it, and I can only tell the difference between pos/neu/neg entities. Please, if any of you have an idea as to what this could be, help us. If location context in needed, we live in an old French/Spanish city in the South US.
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Re: Dark Entity on Uni Quad
By: / Novice
Post # 2

Why do your friends believe in a negative force attached to that place? What experiences or evidence do they have?

Also keep in mind that as a beginner, your partner may be sensitive to things. They might scare more easily than an experienced witch, since this all so new and they don't know what to expect from spirits. So, it might not have been the entity causing their extreme reaction, it might have been a panic attack they brought upon themselves by freaking out about the entity.

I'm also curious about them "knowing what it is" but not having the words? Does that mean they can describe it, but don't have a name for it (lich, haunt, etc)?

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