Anti-Anxiety Necklace

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Anti-Anxiety Necklace
Post # 1
You will need the following items for this spell:

A bottle that can be made into a necklace
1 small amethyst (if you struggle with overthinking) OR
1 small turquoise (if you have panic attacks)
Moon Water
1 Black candle

First, cleanse your space with sage or another burning wood that feels soothing to you (I like to burn pine).
Then, light the candle and take a minute to focus on the flame. See how it moves, the warmth exuding from it, etc.
Once you feel peaceful, open the bottle and add your chosen crystal.
Fill the bottle with Moon water, and seal the bottle with a cork.
Let the candle burn and when there is enough wax, dip the top of the bottle in the wax and let it cool to seal it shut. Hold it up and say:

"In the valley of tears
Feel the chill of my silent fear
Hear the sound of my reclaiming
Now in the songs that we sing
I thank you for everything"

You may address the prayer to your higher self or a deity of your choice.

Leave your bottle out by a window to infuse it with moon magic. The next morning, your spell is complete. Wear as protection.
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