Wiccan gods and goddis

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Wiccan gods and goddis
Post # 1
I am just curose what are the Wiccan gods and goddis's
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Re: Wiccan gods and goddis
By: / Novice
Post # 2
That is an inquiry worthy of google, as there are many types of wicca, and even more deities.
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Re: Wiccan gods and goddis
Post # 3
ok then pagan I know that is a form of Wicca
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Re: Wiccan gods and goddis
Post # 4
Wicca is a form of paganism. Primarily, Wicca focuses on the duality of male and female, some use archetypes and others use actual gods, this is more common in culture-specific Wicca.
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Re: Wiccan gods and goddis
By: / Novice
Post # 5
No no. Wicca is a form of paganism. Again search google. There are a LOT of deities revered in a LOT of practices.
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Re: Wiccan gods and goddis
Post # 6
Okay there are two types of Wicca: Gardenrain Wicca (created by Gerald Gardner and Alexander Sanders. This type is modern Wicca) and Alexandrian Wicca (founded by Alexander Saunders during the Spanish inquisition) Both branches have a more nature-based type of witchcraft such as herbs and tree and animal lore. What separates them from Celtic druids and shaman is their own individual belief of the male and femal Gods. The Goddess who is basically the universe itself and the cycle of life, and the horned God who is the overall creations of the universe.
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