Dream Interpretation

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Dream Interpretation
Post # 1
Greetings, friends.

I wanted to seek some insight from anyone who is either gifted in interpreting dreams or anyone willing to share their opinions. I had a vivid dream about 2-3 months back, and I can't seem to shake it. I keep being reminded of it and I feel as though it's a message of some sort.

My dream started as myself, looking out the window to see several crows. I felt excited since I've always wanted to befriend them. I recall grabbing a bag of bread and proceeded to toss pieces of it out the window. I saw that the field outside my window also had numerous other groups of crows so I hurried to make my way outside. As I saw myself wandering about, I was met with this massive, beautiful raven that portrayed intelligence. I felt as if it was annalizing me, and I was doing the same. I approached it with caution, not because I was afraid, but more out of respect and I wanted to offer it some bread. As I did so, I turned to see flocks of crows started to gather around me and I felt so delighted to be able to befriend the crows, and most of all this one beautiful and powerful Raven. During all this, as many other crows flew in towards me, gathering around, I noticed this one particular black cat, making its way to me as well. I felt that it had a feminine energy, and most of all, the one thing that captivated me was its bright yellow, alluring eyes. It was intense, yet so very mesmerizing. I felt like the cat was initially curious yet also wanted to befriend me.

Since I've had this dream, I passively looked up meanings and symbolisms but it would be really interesting to hear what others thought.

Blessed be
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Re: Dream Interpretation
Post # 2
The thing with dream interpretation is it is your own subconscious mind bringing you symbols that would only be meaningful to you. So at most, anyone could give you a list of generic meanings of each of these things and at the worst they could be completely "off" because no one here is you, no one hear is going to be able to just read this and tell you what it means, unless of course they perform divination but I think your asking for people to read this and tell you what they think? Correct me if I'm wrong please, I don't want to step on any toes. But for me , this is from my own grimoire by the way, when I was thinking about how I can explain dream interpretation and I got "A heavily personal method of divination that uses the symbols that come from your subconscious mind in order to grant wisdom to you via your dreams. Such as to one person losing a tooth might be a symbol of success because when they were a child they needed a tooth to come out that seemed to be “stuck”, thus when it did come out it was seen as a success, where as for another who was afraid of the dentist it might be a more negative dream, so on and so forth." I personally keep a "dream journal" section in my grimoire and when I have very ,what felt meaningful dreams, I'd write as much as I can remember along with the date and time I wrote them down. It might be nothing but a fun adventure or it could mean something later down the line. Let me know if that doesn't make sense.

Thank you for your time,


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Re: Dream Interpretation
By: / Novice
Post # 3

With dream interpretation I find we know best how we feel, how the dream felt to us, and what themes stood out for us.

I feel we are our own best interpreters and don't personally put much stock in generic interpretation books.

That said, from what I have gathered from your dream is you may have a deep fondness and reverence for the animals within it.

It may be worth considering what personally the crow and the cat symbolize to you.

What does each remind you of? What traits stand out for you?

How does the energy of these animals make you feel?

You may want to consider working with some of the traits these animals touch upon.

Or the animals themselves as archetypes.

Your dream, if I were to interpret it, symbolizes a deep desire to share affection.

I do not know if you have or can own pets but if you do have any it may be a great time to play, share affection, and enjoy their company.

Best regards.

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Re: Dream Interpretation
Post # 4
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply and express your insights, @SpiritWitch8! I understand where you are coming from and it made me realize a few things that I have not before. It's exactly what I needed to hear. Sometimes when you're too busy looking so hard at specific things, you tend to overlook the capability to look at it from a different perspective. You've helped so much, thank you once again :)

Blessed be!
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Re: Dream Interpretation
Post # 5
Greetings, UnholyRose!

Your insights have been invaluable, guiding me on the necessary steps to enhance my comprehension and progress toward realizing the deeper meaning/ aspect of my dream. You have made such great points and I realize that I do need to look within myself and how I feel. Thank you for taking time to share your opinions. I appreciate you! :)

Blessed be!
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Re: Dream Interpretation
Post # 6
@JadeNyxxia , Hope you understand that I'm not attempting to dismiss your request, but I wanted to give your post my insight, if that makes sense.
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Re: Dream Interpretation
Post # 7
Hello again @SpiritWitch8 ^_^

No, I understand where you're coming from and appreciate your thoughts on my post. I didn't feel like you were trying to dismiss my post at all. If anything, what you have said helped me comprehend the bigger picture. And it's exactly what I needed :) Thank you once again!
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Re: Dream Interpretation
Post # 8
Merry Greetings JadeNyxxia, trust you are well.
Dreams in our Faith and Spiritual Path is obviously considered as messages from our all Divine. Objects, Beings, and Images put together or on its own at times, tends to tell our subconscious mind a story which is then relayed to our conscious state. The subconscious can relate to this messages, however the conscious state is where the veil hangs over, distorting this message, making it unclear for us to decipher.

Like the related responses, it's only you that can make sense of your dreams, only you can make sense of this,
So as said that objects, beings and images is what baffles us and it's meaning,so a little help from my side,,
Objects, beings and images takes the place of elements, for example, the crows, normally black in colour, element of darkness, the eye of the cat as you described, element of light, trees or forest, element of earth,, so lots of crows will mean lots of darkness around at present or in future, the bright eyes of the cat, shows that light is present, within the dark, black cat and crows, darkness, cats eyes, light, so applying elements to objects, beings and images will be a good start to decipher dreams,

Hope the elementary aspect of dreams will be of help.

Blessed Be
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