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Post # 1
When I perform astral projection it is rather hard for me, I have ADHD and am currently unmedicated with no intentions on taking the temporary solution to a lifelong problem, every time I astral project everything is very blurry and dark black, as if I am 90% blind, I can't imagine things and I am lead to believe I have aphasia, as I can't imagine images I can merely imagine concepts and descriptions of said object, like say an apple, when I imagine an apple I don't imagine the apple but I know what it looks like, and I know it's not my third eye or chakras because I am certain those are open, I hope I am not doing things wrong, I struggle with meditation due to my ADHD so I never do that, and the only time I have gotten close to actually astral projection was when I was high on the lords loud but then I fell asleep, anyone have any advice to help me?
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Re: Help?
Post # 2
Honestly? Just practice imagining. My Sister used not be able to, then one day she could see it all play out in her head. I used to as well. Picturing objects in your head is an acquired ability.
Look at the apple. Memorize its form, size, shape- all of it. Try to picture that. If you can't, repeat. Just keep doing it until you see SOMETHING- even if it's mutated. a weird shape, not even the shape of an apple.
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Re: Help?
By: / Novice
Post # 3
I have had similar challenges during my journey as well. And unfortunately, after almost thirty years of practice I have little to offer by way of fixes. Sometimes, things just are how they are and the lesson becomes one of acceptance, and adaptation.

Instead of trying to fix or break through these challenges, spend some time exploring ways to work around (or even with) them. It helps to stop beating against what you can't do, and focus on what you can. It takes time, trial and error, and definitely persistence.

I also have a similar feeling of 'blindness' when my attention is on a more spiritual level. Whether it is trying to tune in to the presence of energy and spirits, or 'venturing out' on astral journey, it is pretty rare for me to visualize my experiences. Even when I am connecting with my guide to reflect on things, I feel and intuit his presence rather than see him. I'll just get an idea of his presence and what he is doing instead of watching him do it. ...The best way I can describe it is it to me in a narrative fashion. As if I was thinking of the scene and writing it out for a book.

Quite often, I don't remember anything specific of my astral journeys, because there are no specific experiences of things I've seen or done. There is just a vague but assured confidence that I went 'somewhere' and did 'something'. Usually when memory and experience surfaces is after-the-fact. A conversation would begin, or a thought or observation would cross my mind and it would bubble up from my sub-conscious.

I tried Journaling, but my mind -sucks- at putting thoughts into order unless there is some sort of prompt or interaction. I can be a whirling storm of words and ideas but as soon as I sit to put words down they jump out of reach. I have no idea how to start or what to start with. So I sit mute in the eye of the word storm. But, as many have readily notedI love to talk and when I have even the slightest prompt I'll explode into talking people's ears off. (Or, online, writing people's eyes out of their skulls I guess.)

So I leaned into that. And I still do- though I have much less time for that these days. I used to spend entire evenings wandering chat rooms and scouring forums for things to trigger the next explosion of words. Or to stir up a new swirl if thoughts to consider later. And the writing and discussions have been not only how I share my thoughts... but also a large part of how I collect them together as well.

Look at what you already do, and see how it works (or doesn't) for you. Considering you seem to share that 'descriptive' mental process perhaps try Journaling or writing. it didn't quite work for me but it may work for you.

Start small. Maybe make a short list of prompt questions to try and answer after you have been on a journey. Simple things like;

Where did I go? (A forest? A city? A field of light? )

Who did I meet?(if anyone) A guide, a random entity, a reflection of yourself?

Was something discussed?

Did I ask a question or reflect on a current experience?

Did someone/something help me?

Did someone/something hinder me?

And so on. If you ask question but have no answer, move on or ask yourself so.ething else. Don't try to force or invent something. If nothing comes, that in itself might be your answer. Just see where it takes you. Even if where it takes you is a wd tangent of thought and ideas. Even if it is a single word or phrase without context. Jot it down as it might make more sense later. If you get a thought of a scene or place, instead of trying to 'see' it, describe it as if it was a scene in a book. A story where you are the protagonist and you just came across the place or thing. How would you describe it?

Give it a go. Start small, and keep persistent. A single inch forward is still movement after all.
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