Banish a toxic friend

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Banish a toxic friend
Post # 1
Hi everyone, I have a group of friends who were doing well until a few months ago.
Since one of that friend brought in this new person he began to draw all the attention to himself by playing the victim and creating “problems” in the group.
Is there a spell or an entity to call to remove/banish him from the group, or to make everyone hate him?
Thanks a lot !
PS: Already talked with my friends of that problem, but they not understand...
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Re: Banish a toxic friend
Post # 2


  • A black candle
  • A piece of black obsidian
  • A small piece of paper and a pen
  • Sea salt
  • Sage or incense for cleansing
  • A fireproof dish or cauldron


  1. Preparation:

    • Choose a quiet space where you wont be disturbed.
    • Cleanse the area by burning sage or incense, focusing on removing negative energies.
  2. Circle of Protection:

    • Sit in a comfortable position and create a circle of sea salt around you for protection.
  3. Focus Your Intent:

    • Take a few deep breaths to center yourself.
    • Visualize the toxic friend and the negative influence they have on your life. Allow yourself to feel the emotions associated with their presence.
  4. Writing and Charging:

    • Write the name of the toxic friend on the piece of paper.
    • Hold the black obsidian in your hand and pour your intention into it, focusing on banishing negativity and reclaiming your peace.
  5. Chant:

    • Light the black candle.
    • Hold the piece of paper in your hand and chant the following:

    "With this flame, I cleanse my space,
    Removing darkness from my place.
    Toxic ties, now severed and free,
    No longer shall you affect me.
    By earth, by air, by fire, by sea,
    As I will, so mote it be."

  6. Burning the Paper:

    • Place the piece of paper in the fireproof dish or cauldron and carefully burn it with the candle flame. Watch as the paper turns to ash, visualizing the toxic friendship being reduced to nothing.
  7. Releasing the Energy:

    • Allow the candle to burn down completely.
    • Once the paper has turned to ash, sprinkle a pinch of sea salt over it, symbolizing purification.
  8. Closing the Spell:

    • Bury the ashes and the black obsidian outside or in a potted plant to ground the energy.
    • Thank any spirits or energies you called upon for assistance.
    • Close the circle by sweeping away the sea salt.


  • Spend some time in self-care and reflection.
  • Avoid contact with toxic friends and focus on nurturing healthy relationships.

This spell is intended to promote emotional well-being and protect your personal space. Use it responsibly and with a clear intention for positive change.

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Re: Banish a toxic friend
Post # 3

Wow, thank you for a very good readable reply, very nice, Love it. Well, Write the name of the toxic friend on the piece of paper , why not use a Picture/Humanoid drawinginstead? I mean like a photo of the person , then write on it with symbols or surround it with writings and drawings . Thats actually what Badshamans use for cursing people , scary right? But thats the reality. (Search it Please)

Note : Knowing Long version of People Name, Born Date and Clock, Zodiac?, Live Location?Their Parent's name (Son/Daughter of, Grandson/Granddaughter of or more) , etc and Write it on/InsideHumanoid drawing, make it works better

Although this seems taboo , my personal opinion is that we shouldnt lie to teenagers so they know how deep magic happen even in modern society. Its even worse if you use a doll made from rice stalks, bamboo, or wood , then attach the photo thats been inscribed or written on the doll, while the doll is tied with a string thats been chanted over , or wrapped in cloth taken from a dead man grave . Nails/Needle?

Usually, this doll is buried in the victims yard or thrown onto the roof of their house to close their business/shop. If burning is involved, the ashes are scattered on the victims fence so they step on it every time they enter and leave the house or at the entrance. Scary, right? But this is the reality of life.

Many people secretly do this, even high-ranking officials who pay poor people to do it. Thats how severe it is. Thats why its important to study ancient religious knowledge , so we dont get involved in such matters, Karma? Envy and Anger are blind us all, So think twice before doing something.

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Re: Banish a toxic friend
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Merry Meet,

@_261ch2371ec while I will let TheMortalMan answer it himself, from my observation, you could use a photo if you want instead. The only reason I can think of for a person choosing not to burn the photo would be sympathetic Magik. A Witch might view burning a photo symbolic of actually burning your friend. If you do not feel that way, a photo would be fine. It would target the person more directly, hence the literal fire fear some might have.

As for the rest of your ramblings, yes and no. Yes to the description of taboo forms of Magik, no to the conspiracy theory rambling. The forms you described were linked to Root Work, Voodoo, Santeria, and many religions and spiritual paths primarily practiced by non-white people. This is why it is so taboo and scary in society. Magik is a neutral energy. To quote Morticia Addams "What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly." The forms of Magik which are deemed acceptable are primarily white people Magik, take these pretty flowers and bless someone. All that matters is whether or not a spell resonates with you. If you do not wish to harm someone with a curse, ask yourself why? Once you know where your morals lie, you can make choices with Magik that work for you. If someone choses to cleanse away a toxic friendship, that is fine. If someone has been so hurt they curse the former friend, that is also their choice to make. The only thing to consider is if are willing to live with your actions and ensure you are not appropriating another persons faith.

Regarding the government sorcery, I do not think so for a second. The reason the government is corrupt has nothing to do with Satanic blood rituals. With that said, I will not rule out a closested Witch or two. I also feel Witches are casting over politicians, mainly because Witches keep bragging about that online because working in secret is a load of manure when TikTok exists. Sorry, I truly detest social media and the publics obsessive need for validation. I also agree with your think before you cast sentiment. I hope everyone does. Questioning whether a spell is right before you cast should be a key step. Contemplate the best case scenario and the worst case scenario, then ask if you are willing to cast knowing both are a possible outcome. If yes, do it. If no, do not. Come what may, you made your choice.

Blessed Be.
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Re: Banish a toxic friend
Post # 5

Hello Tadashi(Good) , finally after so long, I was really hoping for a reply from you. There are so many things I want to ask and there is also another person I want to ask about. There are many section on a books I read that I dont understand. I need the keywords , okay?
About the officials , its actually a personal experience , not from TikTok or any social media. In the place where I live, there is no real freedom to post about witchcraft rituals between politicians . So, this is clearly not in the United States, Canada, or Europe, but from some third-world countries in Asia.

What I know is that my grandfathers brothers and many relatives, I understand that they are indeed Insanely Astray witches. They were even visited by a legislative official, a minister, even the owner of one of the banks in my country, and other businessmen, many times.
In the Past , I used to meet them and their relatives once a year, but now they are dead. However, the habit of using witches services continues for some of their descendants. Almost all high status state officials have what they call a companion shaman? or if not, they are descendants from a great witch/shaman. Many of these officials attack each other with black magic to win elections or erase traces of crimes (Close their mouth), Winning Opinion in Meeting

As for businessmen or wealthy people , some sell their souls to beings that are not human, some even half-animal. Such beings demand sacrifices, and many of them have children who go insane, have mental disorders, are born disabled, have Down syndrome, or even have babies who die twice for inexplicable reasons, etc. I know this clearly because I have met them several times and know some of their fraud methods.
This also applies to small people who sells on the streets (a lot/so much). Due to economic competition, they end up playing with such things. In the village, there are also black shaman services, but people dont know. They ask for mineral stone/ crystal rings/small knives / amulets to be placed in their wallets, so their Sales, Charisma, promoted will be successful. But strangely, these shamans sometimes use religious disguises . Some even dare to enter churches or temples.

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Re: Banish a toxic friend
By: / Novice
Post # 6
Merry Meet,

@ _261ch2371ec, if you wished to speak with me, you can always mail me. It would be easier than posting around the site in the hopes I stumble across it. The same with your ominous other person you wish to speak to. Is this someone on the site? Do I know them? You can probably mail them any questions. As for your question, you did not list it. I would remind you there is a rule to stay on topic or make a new forum if you have a question.

I never said any specific country, I said the government. Any government. Historically, people have used Magik for a variety of reasons. Some are citizens blessing or cursing the person in charge, sometimes the person in charge believes in Magik and uses it. That is different from the believe secret rituals calling on ancient beings are why people are in power. Nepotism and networking is what gets people to where they are, and good PR keeps them there. Again, I am sure some ask for spiritual assistance to remain in power, but that could be said for Christians praying for the same thing.

As I said in my previous response, Magik is not colour, but intention. The Magikal practices which have been labeled taboo, dangerous, and evil are from traditions that are commonly practiced by non-white people. They are paths which are also initiatory and secretive. This is to keep their practitioners and traditions safe from those who would exploit them, but it has also become the reason why they are feared. People fear the unknown and it is more fun to claim they are evil than the reality which is you are not trusted with the knowledge.

The rest of your rambling is filled with ablism, bigotry, and misinformation. All of which can be explained again with my point you are viewing things through a bias lens. One form of Magik is not inherently evil, nor is one inherently good. It is how we use our Magik which determines if it is positive or negative. The same is true for disabilities. Nobodys life is less than because they are disabled. Insinuating the reason someone has a disability is because they are cursed, evil, or divine punishment undermines the persons humanity. They are a human with a disability that impacts their daily life in a variety of ways. That does not make them less than human, or evidence of someones morality.

Blessed Be.
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