flash backs

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flash backs
Post # 1
a frend of mine was haveing flash backs the other day and i was
sitting close to her and i seen a flash of light and then a imige then
i startd crying for no reson ithink what i sol was her flash back
but it was short and it coud be my mind playing trix on me what do you think
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Re: flash backs
Post # 2
it's a realisation, or one of the doors of the subconcious opening, the reason for the tear is a break, you are breaking out of the old part of your being into a newer part, so it is a death and rebirth of sorts, now it could have been that you were just present while she had it, if this is the case she is pretty powerfull and if she isn't in the craft she should consider starting, also, the feeling you felt, hold on to it, if you ever feel that sensation building again when reading or seeing something know it is the universes way of speaking to us through synchronicity to help us with realisations which lead to our ultimate enlightenment, when you reach such a moment, just let go and accept. Hope this has helped.
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