
CovenSpell Casters ► scorpio

Re: scorpio
Post # 2
i really wanna control there suh thing as summoning an angle to help you with your wishes?
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Re: scorpio
Post # 3
If you go by your Zodiac sign, it would be water. However, many believe it is the element that you feel most attuned with. You can't control the elements. You can, however, work with their energies or incorporate them into your spells,rituals, etc.

You can call upon your guardian spirit, angel, or whatever else you want to call him/her to aid you in spell work. It is believed that we all have guardian spirits or guides that can help us with magic, obstacles, etc. There are a few threads about them here on the site, of you want to look into them.
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Re: scorpio
Post # 4
what are they called and, thanks
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Re: scorpio
Post # 5
Do you mean the article? If so, i added a link to it below.
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Re: scorpio
Post # 6
You aren't just one element. You are all of them.
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Re: scorpio
Post # 7
So than why do people make
spells to make fire in their
hands. Dose that not count as
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Re: scorpio
Post # 8
If we can't control the
elements? I don't understand.
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Re: scorpio
Post # 9
Those spells are fake. You can't shoot fire from your hands. People that were either unaware of the facts regarding magic, or those that refuse to listen to them, created those spells to lure others into their delusion.

I think the following quote describes magic quite well.

"Magic isn't a means of forcing nature to do your will. Magic is natural. It is a harmonious movement of energies to create needed change. If you wish to practice magic, all thoughts if it being paranormal or supernatural must be forgotten. " - Scott Cunningham - Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner .
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Re: scorpio
Post # 10
I did not know that. Wow! Thanks :)
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Re: scorpio
Post # 11
I just read something about "pyrokinesis." Would that not be
controling the elements"? Iread this in a forum. Heres the link."
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