Many questions... help

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Re: Many questions... help
Post # 2

Here's a quick guide to knowing if a spell is fake:

It's mostly likely fake if it...

1. Offers unlimited power

2. Changes your appearance drastically

  • More than, "make this potion and you'll have smoother hair." I mean something that is more than your basic beauty spell, since those are sometimes just basic herbology and using materials to improve yourself. Some things are more scientifically possible because the use materials that accurately can effect you. Research materials before casting to see if theyre known to have similar effects (ie. Henna can dye hair, apples can smooth/clear skin, vinegar removes stretch marks, etc.). If they offer a change that logically can't be done with basic materials, such as say making you shorter, I would say it is fake.

3. Offers to transform you physically from a human to anything else.

4. Breaks someone else's will entirely. That's just not possible.

5 .Do impossible tasks such as fly/breathe underwater/become invisible through a physical path.

  • If it offers to make you physically capable of invisibility,its fake. If it offers to make you less noticeablementally, then it could work since that's energy work. Basically magic isn't physical.

6. Offers you incredible anything. Magic isn't an all powerful turn to.

7. Says it's a "beginner" spell. Magic doesn't have levels.

8. Says you don't need materials.

You will almost always need at least one thing. Anything else is energy play which is fine but I find that those things are off in the spell books (at least last time I was there when it had vampire stuff as its most popular attraction.I don't use the spell books at all and haven't touched them in years, as explained why below.). If it says, just focus, you might want to reevaluate the spell and include a crystal or something to aide yourself.

9. Claims to affect the physical world physically and directly.

  • Again this one can be accurate. If it offers to make you happier that's effecting yourself mentally. If it offers to help you push your enemies back with a wave of wind? I'd find a new spell.

Magic is mostly mental, not physical, making tiny changes, not large.

I hate to break it to you, but magic on the tv is almost all fake. You can't see magic unless you're seeing it through a proccess of visualizing it. You also can't form light and no light spell will help you create a visible light.

Also, some spells on here work but won't be as effective as you creating your own spells. I personally don't use other's spells or spell books because our own creations are stronger for ourselves. Any spell might work if you can put the intent in, but if done right, your own spell had the intent in it from that start.

Reading the FaQs help explain which spells are real on the site and what magic is. You can also check out the videos (Akasha Wolf was one of my favorite witches to learn from when I was in my first years on this site. That was a while ago though so I wouldn't be surprised if you wanted something a bit more recent. I haven't checked her out in a while, but others videos on here are good guides!)

Also, the beginner articles are a great place to start. If its not in the articles, oryou can't learn if its real on the site, feel free to ask! We'll be more than willing to help you figure things out!

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Re: Many questions... help
Post # 3
Hi bruce, well, let me tell you, that ritualistic spell is just a ''trigger'', real deal is building up your willpower to levels it affect worlds around you. so yeah, every spell works, ritual is only symbolic... (except if you are working with spiritual entities, which is highly unrecomendable, because you need to seek power inside you, not make pact with unclean and low forces, and dont believe othervise... gods, godesses? YOU are God by nature, remember that and utilize it)...

oh and yes it can be visible... projections, dreamwalking, trance states, and most powerful and most visible are changes you make in your life... and ''magic'' or as some call it ''magick'' is just a idea, a terminology, nothing more, it is a spiritual work, and you should not put it above or underrestimate other ways of doing it (trough religions, prayers, meditations, their particular spiritual practices, be it wiccan, christian, islamic... zoroastrian) dont go for quick fix, look at it as a way of living, put it in practice, dont make it only ritualistic... make it alive, and choose path you find suitable by yourself... be it ligh or dark (i myself pursuit dark path) and never stop digging deeper, looking at the other spiritual practices...
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Re: Many questions... help
Post # 4
and no, no spell is fake, nad there is no ''way'' to tell if its ''fake'' or ''real'' its only our own boundaries that we cannot exceed... unlimited power? why not? your own soul and free will is eternal, and infinite... you just need to look from different angles...
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Re: Many questions... help
By: / Novice
Post # 5

Actually, you do not need materials when casting spells. Crystals, herbs, candles etc are a mere energy boost, an aid if you will, but using your own energy(if you are well practiced) should be enough for simple spells and things. It also depends on what spell is being cast and what the intentions are.

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Re: Many questions... help
Post # 6

FleshMaster, I have no idea what you are talking about. Could you explain a bit?

And thank you SkollVarg! I was under the impression that spells should be casted with objects. Now that I think about it, you shouldn't NEED an object to cast. Thank you!

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Re: Many questions... help
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 7

Hi Sebabruce,

Do listen to the post that Ciri made. She has given you some excellent guidelines to follow in judging whether a spell is real or not.

Fleshmaster, on the other hand, is incorrect in many of the statements he made in response. There are certainly spells that are fake. In fact all of the spells in the Fantasy section on this site are fake. That is why they have been put in the Fantasy section.

Nor is magic directly visible. You cannot cast a light spell and create something like a magical flashlight. Magic is the manipulation of energies, and energies are not directly visible. Think of electricity. Electricity is not, in itself, visible. However when it heats a tungsten coil you will see light. Likewise magic can make changes in your life, but it is those changes which may become visible to others. Magic is a subtle thing. You will not see fireballs, lights, physical changes, etc as a physical manifestation of a spell.

Magic does have its limits and that is because it follows the laws of the Universe, not because of some failure inside of us. We are not Gods, nor will we become Gods through magic.

Ciri is also correct in saying that there are no "beginner spells". Magic and spells work because you have spent the time studying how and why magic happens and then mastered the necessary skills such as visualization, focus, intent and such to manipulate the energies to obtain your magical goal. I wrote a post on this which also includes some recommended reading on magic. You can find it at

I hope this helps. And never be hesitant to ask questions you may have. That's while we are here. Keep an eye out for those people who give good advice over and over and listen to what they have to say. We'll help you reach your goals if we can.

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Re: Many questions... help
By: / Beginner
Post # 8

Hello Sebabruce. I wholeheartedly agree with both Ciri and Lark. There are many fake spells and no spell out there has beginners level. Magic cannot break science. Magic still follows the rules of physics. Look into Newton's laws of physics. Everything in magic is all energy. Spells involving transforming into a mythical creature is not possible as our genotypic and phenotypic features cannot be changed. We are build with different types of genetic coding and protein codon. Do follow up with me if you have any more questions in regards to the sciences in magic. Blessed be.

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Re: Many questions... help
Post # 9
Thank you Ciri, Lark, Dark Angel, Flesh Master and Skoll Varg for responding to my questions, I know there are a lot of beginners like me out there who also ask many questions so thanks for taking the time to respond to me. I’ve been reading a lot on the formus and I feel the community here on SoM is fantastic. All your information has given me more insight to magic. My mom also deals a lot with energy and I’ll be sure to ask her too. I wanted some insight from other magicians and it was very helpful. Thanks again, if I have any questions I’ll ask again if you guys don’t mind.
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Re: Many questions... help
By: / Beginner
Post # 10

The pleasure is mine. You may ask me anytime. I be delighted to assist you.

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Re: Many questions... help
Post # 11

Of course! Ask whenever! Never be afraid to ask a question, it's the best way to learn.

And I am glad to have helped!

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