Eye color changing spell

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Re: Eye color changing sp
Post # 2
I always meditate before doing a spell...Have you tried that? And try concentrating more on the spell. Get the right ingredients and try the spell again!
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Re: Eye color changing spell
Post # 3
ok, thanks for the replyes.
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Re: Eye color changing spell
Post # 4
what is your spell for changing your eye colour?

i havent tried mine yet but wanted to see if yours was the same.
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Re: Eye color changing spell
Post # 5
"light up a pink and an orange candle, fill your mind with the color of your eyes are now (at least for 4 minutes) then visualise the color changig to the color you want.
and say: become of me, say it 3 times.
do this at night.
repeat the whole thing 3 times."
I think it's the same which is in the spell book.
I know an other one too, but I haven tried it.

it's been a week for now, my eyes color have become more clear.
(I have blue eyes and i tied to change it to indigo)
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Re: Eye color changing spell
Post # 6
ok thanks.

yea it is the same as mine, this should be good then! :)
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Re: Eye color changing spell
Post # 7
he i am new in the magic stuff but please tell me how can i
change my eye color tell me every spell you know please
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Re: Eye color changing spell
Post # 8
please tell me the other eye changing spell???
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Re: Eye color changing spell
Post # 9
yes if there are more spells please inform me
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Re: Eye color changing sp
Post # 10
KB14S How dare you steal that picture from Puzuzu
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Re: Eye color changing sp
Post # 11
I have not try that one before, but it does work...me and my sister tried one, but only last like a day or so, and mostly only works for people who does not know you that well..
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