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Re: Learning
Post # 2
And remember I am holding a lesson once a week
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Re: Learning
Post # 3
Good day, Irishman1485!
Well I am new here.I just joined today as I want to learn
magic.Especially white magic.I am currently not in a coven.So
teach me what you can.Thanks!
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Re: Learning
Post # 4
hey im new at magic and all and i just joined the the coven penta magic and i was wondering if u could help me. iv always wanted to learn magic spacificly light. iv tried to do some spells but they dont work can u help?
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Re: Learning
Post # 5
i want to learning how use spells and power.
you can teach me this what you can.
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Re: Learning
Post # 6
hi .its good that people actually care about others too ia m also new and ....i can get things into my .......confusing thingsive heard in this site .......iwant to make things better....can u help me pleeeeese
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Re: Learning
By: / Novice
Post # 7
What are you teaching and how long have you been into magic?
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Re: Learning
Post # 8
When you start magic you have to find a place you are most comforble with so tell me where this place is to you
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Re: Learning
Post # 9
I have know magic since i was 5 and now i am 14
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Re: Learning
Post # 10
hey im not new but my magic could use some fine tuning whn is the lsson

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Re: Learning
Post # 11
HAHAHA! not that they should seek help from someone they are naturaly drawn to nor their guardians. i pray these souls find guidance the right way--many lessons can be learned but must be learned for a sound purpose, not bragging rights. I'm sure any adept on this site would gladly tutor someone if they messaged them with questions but they would never dream of posting declairing they were exceptionaly great.
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