Back Once More

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Re: Back Once More
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Well hello there! And welcome back! The place isn't exactly hopping with constant activity in every corner these days, but it isn't silent either.

Mayhap having an old face return might help stir up some new life though. Time will tell!
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Re: Back Once More
Post # 3
I certainly hope so. I'll be sure to be active within the week, share a bit of knowledge and poke around the bushes for anyone lurking.
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Re: Back Once More
By: / Novice
Post # 4
And thanks to my watching a bunch of 'experimental archaeology' videos of people living like Edwardians and Tudors, I am imagining you as a figure wandering the forums, whacking bushes with a stick and yelling "Coo-Ee!" To flush out flocks of fearful forumites hiding in the shadows and herd them into the open.

That aside, I suggest taking your time and not worrying about making this place akin to a second job all full of obligation. Pop around when you feel like it, and see where it inspires you. It's more fun that way.
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Re: Back Once More
By: / Beginner
Post # 5
Finally figured out the password to my old account!
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Re: Back Once More
Post # 6
Nice My favourite God is most likely Hades
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Re: Back Once More
Post # 7
Nice My favourite God is most likely Hades
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Re: Back Once More
By: / Novice
Post # 8
Merry Meet,

Welcome back.

Blessed Be.
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Re: Back Once More
By: / Novice
Post # 9
@ Nash, welcome back ^_^ Hope you like the new features [mostly just commenting on spells/articles] Site isn't as lively as it was in the early ots, but it has its moments. [I still hold out hope the forums will come back to life. I miss chatting with people in group discussions]

@ AmberFang do you also work with Hades, or just a fan? If it's just a fan thing, is it his actual myths, or media like Disney, Lore Olympus and the game Hades that made you a fan? [Also, IDK if you're into musicals but Hadestown is amazing]
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Re: Back Once More
Post # 10

Welcome back, NashSu! ^_^
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Re: Back Once More
Post # 11
@Nekoshema hi, uh yeah i just kinda like the myths of him, i dont work with him no, but ive heard the myths and honestly hes amazing
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