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Re: Lost
Post # 11
Money aside...religion does a lot of good for a lot of people.

Not everyone should be spiritually or mentally evolved. Not everyone can handle it, nor is everyone supposed to reach that point.

Religion, which ever it is, is a comfort for people. It gives them a sense that there is something bigger than them helping them, guiding them and doing right for them. That's a comfort many people need.

I see nothing wrong with it.
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Money is A Necessity
Post # 12
It is not religion itself, but the people who runs it.. besides that.. money is needed on this society.. even if religions are organizations that need money.. and some individuals take advantage of the good image.

TRUE.. Healer.
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Re: Lost
Post # 13
But religios leaders should be image of religion,but they are not as we know.They are our teachers,but they teaching us wrong way as we know.Many humans are afraid to find their God because they religions implanted them stupid stuff about being damned,fear is our greatest wicknes.Our Gode should love us and we should love Him not to be afraid off Him cause there is no spiritual growth then.Only thing that stays is fear and selfishnes for the eternal life.
Glory to Satanael!
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Re: Lost
Post # 14
^_^ I do not know what church you recently went.. but.. the bible has taught me that God is all forgiven therefore no matter if you are good or bad you are still love by god... O_O.. so yah.. hahahaha.. in either case.. (some)Religions are good because they have a good message to bring.. well not all..
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Re: Lost
Post # 15
Wrong ways according to who neckron? You?

You do not know, in the end, if your path is the right one. You simply have faith that it is.

There is no difference in the way you look at your spiritual path being the absolute truth as there is in a christian looking as theirs as absolute truth.

Both require complete faith...out of fear, respect or anything else.

There is coruption and bad examples in all walks of faith.
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Re: Lost
Post # 16
Nekron* spelt it wrong
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Re: Lost
Post # 17
-_- I think I being mean too long through the day.. I am easing right now.. GO HEALER!
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Re: Lost
Post # 18
IF god forgive to evil people,why is then written in bible that sinners will burn with the beast?
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Re: Lost
Post # 19
Then I guess we all gonna burn.. LET'S CELEBRATE!!
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Re: Lost
Post # 20
I didn t say my path is good,I just sad that spiritual growth is better then religions.You are free and not limitted to one thing!
Man learns while he is alive,to find his place in afterlife.
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