Ancient Book!! ANY INFO?

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Re: Ancient Book!! ANY INFO?
Post # 11
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Re: Ancient Book!! ANY IN
Post # 12
These books were banished not to the astral plain but the spiritual plain. That is why you cant get to it. It is only to be reached by those who are meant to use it. I was told this by the priestess of my coven in life not way of the star. Hereditary Witches, it is in our book of shadows. I am pretty sure these are the books you speak of. There are guardians that protect it. It was told to me that they were banished to that plain after the Egyptian empire collapsed which was really caused bye magick. Im not saying this is all correct but it is what Ive been taught. -Ryan-
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Re: Ancient Book!! ANY IN
Post # 13
dont attempt to get these books cuz the best have tried and failed...And there are those of you who think that u r worthy... i laugh at u...the Spiritual World is not to be taken lightly...and those of you who will persue the book good luck and May the gods have mercy
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Re: Ancient Book!! ANY INFO?
Post # 14
good to know alot agree that these books should be left alone , even reading it for any reason could be dangerous.
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Re: Ancient Book!! ANY INFO?
Post # 15
i have to agree with the three of you..
they are guardians there to protect it..BUT..
if someone strong to get the books...then...
what if the book is really under an evil man`s hand...
we won`t know that who will take the book..
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Re: Ancient Book!! ANY INFO?
Post # 16
the posibility of that happening is really slim but if it ever did then we would be screwed to hell and back
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Re: Ancient Book!! ANY IN
Post # 17
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Re: Ancient Book!! ANY INFO?
Post # 18
there are still ways to get to the books even with the guards guarding them. but it is more dangers than walking up to the gods and start fignting with them
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Re: Ancient Book!! ANY INFO?
Post # 19
Charmedguy08 i think ur right....i think it might be the book of thoth...The writing on the book looked egyptian...because in other planes u know all the languages in the world and know how to read them...and when i was looking at the book i just knew how to say it. So when i said Asirio Oragatu thats just how it sounds like. Thats not its actual name. Maybe i should have made that clearer sorry. But when i saw it there was no guardians that i sould was on this golden pedestal though..i took one look....and then Bam! i woke up. and i wrote down everything....
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Re: Ancient Book!! ANY INFO?
Post # 20
also...the book i saw on the pedestal was the good book...and when i woke up i just knew that there is a bad one too...i might be wrong but...i cant explain it...i just know theres a book that has as much evil as good in the book i saw. I just knew that it was a book of great good power. But why cant we use it...if in 2011 there will be a number of deaths (caused from the "war" between good and evil people are talking about, or my more firmer belief of a series of natural disasters, caused by god?) if we could get this book,or perhaps just some infomation on it, wouldnt it make the world a better place...and also, ive tried astral projecting to it, but i cant find it...if i wasnt supposed to see this book, dont u think i wouldnt have? i really wanna see it again...i asked my astral guide to take me there and he didnt! he didnt do anything, i just went into a dream...
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