Is This real?

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Re: Is This real?
Post # 11
Im sorry...but if you are scared of a site that you think is using magick to grant a wish, why are you on this site where everyone here uses and practices magick?
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Re: Is This real?
Post # 12
Im scared becouse maybe i did something wrong with that site
and my be i did some of the instructions wrong or something.
and now i see 8.
im not scare of magic at all im scared of this weird site.
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Re: Is This real?
Post # 13
I'm just sorry I even looked at the site...
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Re: Is This real?
Post # 14
Lalalallalaa... weird.
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Re: Is This real?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 15
That site is CRAP. All they want is more visitors.
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Re: Is This real?
Post # 16
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Re: Is This real?
Post # 17
I tried the site out and put my wish out there and it has not worked so I think that it is just another site that is for fun rather than real.

But having said that I agree with Nodrk on this.

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