Black and white is merely terms coined to tell the difference between positive and negative magick. It's really up for you to divide, however, once you gain experience the line between the two will blur. Also, gray magick is good if you want a surprise. Sometimes the outcome will be good and others bad.
I agree with Vari. Blue is better then White, I've never cared for pink though, and Black is good too. Red is slowly making it's way to being my favorite color, so I would say a combination of Blood Red, Navy Blue, and Black would be best. :)
I want to learn a bit of both. Whatever is useful and/or interesting. But I think the individuals should practice whatever they want whether it be "white" or "black" magick or both. It's entirely up for u to decide. No one can make the decision for u. Just my opinion.
hey i am pretty experienced in dark magic sometimes there are different consequences for dark magic for example if you use a spell to trip someone then the consequence will be very small but if you use a spell to kill someone then the consequence will be huge
black magic is passivity and destruction, in an attitude of humiliation and worship. in white magic is work and creation, in an attitude of determination and respect. The disciple of black magic does evil with the hope that some good will emerge out of it through a miraculous violation of the laws of nature. The disciple of white magic does good by consenting to an effort appraised as the least evil according to the laws of nature. Priests of black magic invoke authority as the source of knowledge, and claim that the ways of their gods are unfathomable to anyone but them. Priests of white magic propose conjectures that are subject to the open review of everyone's reason and experience, and gaining insight into their divinities is the very essence of their religious practice. Priests of black magic extend their cult by subjecting the infidels to their creed, by humiliating and degrading other people. Priests of white magic extend their religion by subjecting their beliefs to the criticism of other people, by freeing and bettering themselves. Believers of black magic are the slaves of their gods. Believers of white magic are the masters of their gods.
Black magic and white magic coexist in traditional and instituted religions. They are two opposite poles of behaviour between which are each of our acts. Black magic always wins in appearance; you will always see it dominate the established institutions, glorified by formal rites and astonishing shows. But it is white magic that actually makes the world go round, even if it requires discernment to see that; it is white magic that continuously adapts to the world, from which stems all creation, that serves as the basis for civilization itself.
There is an opposition between Good and Evil, but it is not the cosmic struggle proposed by the priests of the cult of the dead; it is not a conflict between superior gods, where Good would be to submit to the god of one priest rather than to other gods. On the contrary, it is the opposition between on the one hand a culture of destruction, of humiliation and of spectacle, and on the other hand, a culture of creation, pride and work.