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Re: Help
Post # 11
Thank you all for the ideas...I am needing a starting point. I couldn't agree more with grounding & connecting, but where to start?

I put aside my studies in this area many years ago (personal issues, no need to bore with details.) I worked very hard in the everyday world to overcome my problems, thought that I did. I realize that all the time my spiritual side was slowly starving to death.

Anytime I look at the box of books on magic & notes I gathered 10 or 15 years ago, I feel wrong opening it. Like I am not that person anymore & don't have the right to snoop in her personal stuff. I know that sounds crazy...but it is the best explanation I can give.

I have neither the creativity to write a spell & little energy to work one. I need baby steps I think.

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Re: Help
Post # 12
I would concentrate on that depression/negativity then imagine a cord comming from your root chakra,imagine it(the cord) wrapping around all that negativity,then push that cord into the ground. It will ground and center you and help get rid of the depression/negativity you are feeling.I hope it helps.
Sending Reiki as well.
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