Negative Zone

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Re: Negative Zone
Post # 11
No, I mean why does everything that have a negative consequence end with a demon.
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Re: Negative Zone
Post # 12
Because to some people demons cause everything. But thats deffinately not true
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Re: Negative Zone
Post # 13
I suppose. I agree with you though, not all demonss are bad. The Thai Yak(a kind of gaint) is considered a demon, but it guards wats(temples) from bad spirits. I actually wouldn't mind having something like that as a spiritual familiar.
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Re: Negative Zone
Post # 14
im neutrl on this one guys n gals.see ya!
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Re: Negative Zone
Post # 15
What was the point of posting then Perkinz. and Yagami, that seems a lil too extreme. I would have something such as a shadow be my familiar. That way I could spy on people and such but thats just me.
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