Just a question

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Re: Just a question
Post # 11
More can still happen, people will still die in this earlier time, trying to weaken down the forces.

I also feel it Mef, I have though discussed this with you. How so may you describe that so many feel it also Aura? It is strange, many a magick users do not believe in coincidence. I am not blaiming you for this or trying to uprise any negative feeling, I am in fact actually interested in what you may have to say opposing this, Aura.
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Re: Just a question
Post # 12
My explanation for why so many people here feel this is one that will cause offense and as such I didn't wish to post it. Many magick users suffer dicrimination, public or private, and have internal conflicts. Many users on this site are also very young and have hormonal inbalances that add to those conflicts.

Many teenagers also suffer from mild to severe depression, that can cause these feelings to arise. It is rather common in magick and non-magick peoples alike, in this age group.

From these facts I would derive that until a tangible source for the feeling is found- its not something that people should fret over. Fear affects many people in a bad way, it makes them think less clearly and inspires panic. Therefore, if there IS an immediate threat.. afraid is not how you want to be when it shows itself, regardless.
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Re: Just a question
Post # 13
Well I do believe I have found out what is causing this, I am not sure though if you believe what I say.
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Re: Just a question
Post # 14
I believe what I find to be true until something disproves it- regardless of if you believe something or not it is best to learn everything you can about a situation, whatever that situation may be. That way you can absorb all the facts and create your own assessment of the situation.
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Re: Just a question
Post # 15
Maybe Mef just has malevolent being around her/him?
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Re: Just a question
Post # 16
I know exactly...'what' is causing it. Well, for me at least.
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Re: Just a question
Post # 17
What then? (for all interest in helping Mef)
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Re: Just a question
Post # 18
Yeah Jayme, nobody can believe you if you don't really post what exactly it is... Unless I missed it? =/
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Re: Just a question
Post # 19
Oh you guys are just now feeling it. My dragon has picked up on this. She said she doesnt know becuz she doesnt want to investigate it yet.oh SHe's lazy. But anyway like Aura Nova said dont fret over it. We will be prepared for it
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Re: Just a question
Post # 20
I know it isn`t a malovent spirit or something.
Its way more than one.Its like so many eyes are around me when i`m outside.
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