I agree Bledri. This is one of the reasons why people who only know white spells dont know how to defend themselves from dark spells. You have to learn both sides if you want to become efficent.
For knowlag its ok. and they are resposible for their own. Because when black magic back fire's then it is very difficult to stop it. you should go with it.
Well Either way, for a reason beyond me, The Coven of the Agate Athame has been rejected. This displeases me, I was hoping to advance both my experiance on this site and the magickal workings of others on this site. I must say it was a bit shocked to find the coven had been rejected. I took care in creating it and had high hopes.
Thanks to those who supported the idea to begin with!
Bless'ed Be
As for debashish, I guess you can stop making incomplete debates and unstructured sentances against the coven, your will was done,
be praised.
If you want a way to really advance, hooking up with qabbalah is good and still works fine with witchcraft. You've got jewish, hermetic and christian varieties to choose from.
Hm, well they cant have a coven that actually helps people can they? Thats why ive never joined one, first why choose, give me all your spells! Second, everyone's so snobby and wants to keep all the good ones to themselves and thinks they and they alone can be trusted with them. The high and mighty just dont want the new to be able to hold up a fight against them, they like us in our place and them in theirs. (god complex) They preach peace and for the sake of but they know "black" magic better then anyone. They just want you to think theyre good guys until they stab you in the back.
You said you wanted to advance in your profile. Qabbalah is one of the best choices for the quickest advancement and it is compatible with many traditions, including witchcraft. And in working with things that are of an offensive and defensive nature, qabbalah is a good cornerstone for understanding that.
>>Hm, well they cant have a coven that actually helps people can they? Thats why ive never joined one, first why choose, give me all your spells! Second, everyone's so snobby and wants to keep all the good ones to themselves and thinks they and they alone can be trusted with them. The high and mighty just dont want the new to be able to hold up a fight against them, they like us in our place and them in theirs. (god complex)
A god complex is the end result of high levels of magick because that is a necessary part to work at those levels.