Weight loss spell

Forums ► Other Spells Discussion ► Weight loss spell

Re: Weight loss spell
Post # 11

Alright, let's use some common sense here, which judging from this spell, you're seriously lacking. It's perfectly fine to use a spell to ease the loss of weight, or even speed it along, but IT WON'T JUST HAPPEN! You need to workout or jog or engage in ANY sort of physical activity other than just doing some spell to make you lose weight! It's like asking for a lamp to turn on without a lightbulb in it! Honestly how ignorant can you be to neglect the most important physically humane thing to do to lose weight? I'm not saying don't use a spell, I'm just saying do a spell, but afterward give your spell a purpose to work. If you sit around, you're only going to gain MORE weight! NOT lose it! Are you educated? Have you ever taken a Health class? Seriously? This is why America is the fattest country on Earth...

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Re: Weight loss spell
Post # 12
what can you tell me about a rejuvenate spells
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