House cleansing rituals

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Re: House cleansing rituals
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11
Indeed. My husband and I do a formal house cleansing and reset our wards ever Midsummer. In addition I have a Witch's Ball that hangs in our bedroom, and a Witch's Bottle at the threshold, and other charms to ward off negativity.

Most of the time it is we ourselves who bring negative energies into our home. A bad day at work or school, someone making us mad during the commute home, and other annoyances can create negative energies that stick to us. If we don't rid ourselves of these before we come in our front door, then we bring them in with us. So if you are feeling negatively when you get home it's a good idea to do something to get rid of that negativity before you go in your house.

A simple but effective method I've found is to pick up a small stone, hold it in your left hand, and push all of the negativity you sense in yourself into that stone. Then toss it over your shoulder (Be careful it doesn't land in your yard!) and walk away from it without looking back.
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Re: House cleansing rituals
Post # 12
When I was roomsharing in an apartment, I found the house tended to get clogged up fast with all the different energies, stress, and PMSy attitudes that comes with living with 5 college girls in a small space. I couldn't sage like I normally would because one of my roommates was asthmatic, so instead I would salt the house and then systematically sweep it all out the front door while saying, "This is MY house, MY space - keep OUT!" Then I'd put sprigs of juniper and braids of sweetgrass in the doorframes to fill up the space with positivity, and if I was feeling particularly ambitious, I'd grid the house. Like Lark said, it's important to protect and ward your space after cleaning it out, but it's also important to fill it back up with positivity or some other good-willed intent.
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