Myth. Profile Series

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Re: Myth. Profile Series
By: / Novice
Post # 11

Ah yet another Mythological profile , I doubt people even read these but oh well.This time its the Patuljak (Slavic Gnome) , Enjoy.

Patuljak (Slavic Gnome)

In Slavic mythology Patuljci are a rarity. They are known to be small in size and cunning , as such they are the polar opposite of the Slavic Giants called Divovi for whom they have a high hatred. It is believed that they have magickal powers , mainly the power of invisibility which is said to be stored in their hat. The Patuljci can be encountered in forests , where they live under large rocks underneath the roots of big trees.It is believed that they live underground in secret tunnels. The mythical creature Podzemljar lives underground and is most likely another name for a Patuljak.It is believed that they live twice as long as humans and that they are fond of shiny things.

Various kinds of the patuljak:

Polevik Green haired gnome who rules over fields.

Kikimora A small woman who lives in the vicinity of humans and takes care of domestic animals , to hard working people she helps , while to the lazy she ruins lives. At night she pesters children but never truly harms them. She shows a high grade of curiosity for human reactions to her jokes.

Zlidni - Secretly live in human homes , mainly behind stoves , they can be seen as small men running around the house , if they are disrespected by their stove being moved the home owners prized possessions would begin to disappear until he falls into poverty.

Domovik (Domovoi in Russian) It is a home spirit often described as a small bearded man who lives behind the stove or fireplace.

Macmolic Is a Patuljak with hairy hands and razor sharp nails.

Malik A red cap wearing , cave dwelling patuljak.

Hope you enjoyed , bla bla.

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Re: Myth. Profile Series
By: / Novice
Post # 12

Well this is the first Suggestion Profile Ive ever made. Hope you like the Mexican Goat sucker known as The Chupacabra.

Chupacabra (Goat Sucker)

The Mexican Chupacabra is a cryptid reportedly seen throught mexico and the southern states of the USA. The creatures name literaly means Goat sucker due to the violent way it feeds on livestock especialy goats and chickens. Two puncture wounds in the abdomen or neck are found on most of its victims , through it the prey is sucked clear of blood. Many people describe the Chupacabra in many different ways , some describe it as an alien beast with large eyes , spikes on its back , a bloated belly , large claws walking upright , some describe it as a mutant coyote that escaped from some secret US research facility , while some even believe that they are European blood sucking gargoyles. Other than reported sightings and attacks numbering the hundreds there isnt much information on it. Several people caught or found (dead) immaciated coyote hybrids , believing that it is the infamous Chupacabra. Many detest that is not the creature because there is no proof that it feeds on blood.

This is a rather short Myth. Profile , I dont have a lot of information on them like most people in the world . xD

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Re: Myth. Profile Series
Post # 13


The Chupacabra was actually first spotted in Puerto Rico, not in Mexico. I know this because I was born In Puerto Ricoa few months after the first case came out. I was almost attacked by it.

One of the stories:

The night that the first caseappeared, there was a Satanist convention (please do not get made if you are a Satanists, this is the legend that has been passed down to me from four families in the area that my family were close friends with). Now, according to a formal member of the satanic religion(he converted to Catholicismafter that night), He attended the convention. According to him all the Satanic Priestswent into a room. Something happened then, but no one knows. Some say that in that room they Summoned the Chupacabra, others say that they did not, that it was a simple ritual.

That is just one of the stories... But to the main point, The Chupacabra originated from Puerto Rico.

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Re: Myth. Profile Series
Post # 14

P.S. I do actually really Love this thread so please keep up the work on the Myth. creature :)

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Re: Myth. Profile Series
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 15
thank you for the bit on tezcatlipoca, very appreciated!
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Re: Myth. Profile Series
Post # 16
This is interesting and informative. Thanks, Sillieh.
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Re: Myth. Profile Series
By: / Novice
Post # 17

If you wish to suggest anything i'd be glad to revive the thread and start posting again , please suggest things you wish to read off and ill try to the best of my ability to put good info on it.

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Re: Myth. Profile Series
By: / Novice
Post # 18

Hello , after a long while I am reviving the Mythological Profile series. For this profile we have the Slavic vision of Shades. Enjoy.

Shades (Slavic)

Shades are said to be nearly invisible or completely invisible beings , said to be close in resemblance to shadows , they are said to occasionally appear before people in different places , although it is said they cannot do any real harm they can invoke great fear in their victims.

There are several varieties of beings similar to the Shades with different names. The most common indicator of the similarity is their predisposition to scare people during travel , so its speculated that its just different local names for the same kind of being. The most common names are: Avet (Terrible apparition) , Sablast (Eerie) , Prikaza (Apparition) , Duh (Ghost) , Necist (Unclean) and so forth.

Some believe that alike to the Talason (which was reviewed earlier in this thread) shadoes are bound to a location because they are believed to be the souls of the dead that died a horrible death.

Most prominent kinds of Shades:

Osenja are shades unique to the area of eastern Serbia , Bosnia and Croatia. They are described as women in white that appear only at night on specific bridges , roads or hills (This is very similar to the myths of Women in White that are quite common in the US). They are said to charm men into wandering around at dawn they would wake up in an area without the knowledge of how they got there.

Karakondjula are night shades that are said to attach themselves to travelers during the night and literaly ride them as the myths say until he passes out of exhaustion. Its described as an ugly old lady with huge nails and iron teeth (sounds alike to the stories of Baba Yaga the Russian hag with iron teeth).

Vada is a legendary terror that is said to cause physical harm by throwing rocks at bystanders and attempt to kill them by making their luck turn sour. (Information on The Vada is quite scarce)

Well I hope you enjoyed this Mythological profile. Feel free to suggest what you want to read about and ill try to the best of my abilities to provide.

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Re: Myth. Profile Series
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 19

Keep it up. I enjoy reading these.

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Re: Myth. Profile Series
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 20
Agreed! thank you for continuing, i'll come up with a suggestion.
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