Ragnarok on 2/22/14?

Forums ► Norse Paganism ► Ragnarok on 2/22/14?

Re: Ragnarok on 2/22/14?
By: / Novice
Post # 11
Everyone can believe what they wish, but the ledgend was that everyone in the nine worlds would hear it, and I haven't heard a thing. Thats what I believe.
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Re: Ragnarok on 2/22/14?
Post # 12
"Until the world ends, we will act as if it intends to spin on." Director Fury
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Re: Ragnarok on 2/22/14?
Post # 13
I doubt it will end. That is merely my opinion of course.
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Re: Ragnarok on 2/22/14?
Post # 14
The worlds going to end eventually. It could be billions of years in the future, but it still happens. That also means that if we keep guessing when, well be right eventually.
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Re: Ragnarok on 2/22/14?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 15

Most people, including Heathens and Norse Pagans, don't buy into the hype about Ragnarok happening on a specified date. Actually some of the views on "when" Ragnarok happens can be pretty conflicting, as there are many different views on it! Some believe that time is not linear, and in that regard Ragnarok has happened, is happening and will happen in the future. Some believe that Ragnarok is not a literal event, more symbolic. Others believe that Ragnarok won't even happen.

Personally? I don't spend too much of my time worrying about it. What will happen will happen regardless. I just focus on the here, the now, my practice, my life, my Gods.

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