Battle Magick

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Re: Battle Magick
Post # 11
I am rather new to magick but I know how to manipulate energy ( as in the psi ball) and would it be possible if, through experience, you could manipulate another's energy to block them? It wouldn't be true battle which as said above is not possible, but all I am asking is can you block another's energy or not?
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Re: Battle Magick
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 12

Stephen, it would be possible to block any negative psychic energy your oponent might send your way, that's why we do psychic shields and wards. But magic is not going to stop a physical attack. That's why it is important to understand what the limits of magical work are. You wouldn't want to count on magical counter-attacks where you are being threatened only to find out they had no effect in protecting you.

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