Tingly Tickly feeling?

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Re: Tingly Tickly feeling?
Post # 11
That is fine if your not good at it, just each day or so, try and take a few minutes to clear your mind. Just a few minutes to start is fine, and even if you have random thoughts that is fine everyone does at first, its a part of being human. Also i think that by what your teacher said is true. It isn't necessarily the fact that just doing one spell will make you followed by a spirit or two but it could mean that you are now opened up to the metaphysical things around you.

Re: Tingly Tickly feeling?
Post # 12
calm down, seeing flashing orbs of light and tingles through the scalp are both normal signs of coming to spiritual awareness, lights being spirits and tingling being messages, you just need to work on claireaudience and clairesentience as well, then you'll be able to decipher messages from another world.

Re: Tingly Tickly feeling?
Post # 13
Oooooh kk well does ringing in the ears count to?!! I have constant ringing in my ears that i've been hearing since i was around 8 years old. It used to give me nightmares so my mom let me listen to music when i was sleeping. It changes pitch a lot and stuff like that, it's pretty annoying. Last time i got my ears checked for hearing though they were fine i could hear perfectly it hurts my ears sometimes though.

Re: Tingly Tickly feeling?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 14

Re: Tingly Tickly feeling?
Post # 15
Lol well that doesn't surprise me. ^^^^ I get stressed over every little thing I'm very sensitive.

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