Past life?

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Re: Past life?
Post # 11
"So, you don't believe we have a soul? "

I guess not.
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Re: Past life?
Post # 12
Wht is your religion/beliefs if you don't mind me asking. It's just so I know what you believe.
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Re: Past life?
Post # 13
"Wht is your religion/beliefs if you don't mind me asking. It's just so I know what you believe. "

I dont believe in religion.
I dont believe in myself
I dont believe in humanity
I dont believe in the goverment

I may "believe" in Science, but Science has offered a lot of "proof" that I can actually accept. Science will never answer everything, it is very limited. Magick is apparently limited no matter what people say.

I just basicly don't believe.
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Re: Past life?
Post # 14
You sound like a Chaote to me. Just what it seems like. Thank you for sharing.
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Re: Past life?
Post # 15
"You sound like a Chaote to me. Just what it seems like. Thank you for sharing. "

Your welcome...
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Re: Past life?
Post # 16
what's a chaote?
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Re: Past life?
Post # 17
A Chaos Mage i think
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Re: Past life?
Post # 18

I've heard your past life is another life that the same soul is in you with their memories and emotions. I think thats right but I am not so sure.

WayoftheWind: There are multiple spells here to see your past life. I suggest that you try one to see if it'll work. If not try a different one.
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Re: Past life?
Post # 19
Hey, riddle me this, why cannot a frankenstein monster be made, Evidence? If you got the blood pumping, and live organ transplants, why has no one created a frankenstein monster in a lab? Clean skin and stuff, no cloning because the only cloning successful was making a new baby that would look like the same person, I've only heard of dolly the sheep.
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