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Re: hello
Post # 11
You certainly can't spell for s**t for a 15 year old..
A Human + Vampire = Half-ling
I don't care if your mum got raped by a vampire, that makes no difference, you're a half-ling if you are the result of a human and vampire offspring.
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Re: hello
Post # 12
Show some respect to the new one.
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Re: hello
Post # 13
Your bashing on her just to get your point across, that is unneeded hear. My apologizes Sarah, glad to meet you.
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Re: hello
Post # 14
so i cant spells of s**t so what i no im a crap speller but i no what i dam well am thank very much. so just shut the hell up!!!!!

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Re: hello
Post # 15
hello thor very nice to meet you

from sarah
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Re: hello
Post # 16
Hey, that wasn't very nice! Don't tell me to shut the hell up!
So are you halfling? Or do you still claim to be a dhampir or whatever?
I'm only telling you what I know..
Welcome anyway, sorry if you got... "Offended" =S
Wikipedia - "A Dhampir (also dhampire, dhamphir or dhampyr) in Balkan folklore and in vampire fiction is the child of a vampire father and a human mother, with vampire powers but none of the weaknesses."
So do you like Balkan folklore? If you don't you're using a word from "Vampire Fiction"... =S!
You're lucky to be a halfling...
Did you know, that when sharks reproduce, the male bits the female then rapes her? It was on a national geographic video, and guess what? Their offspring was called a shark!
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Re: hello
Post # 17
yes i do like Balkan folklore lol anyways u cant trust wikipedia because u can change the information how u like some it can be fact or opinion in the end
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Re: hello
Post # 18
Hmm i am from Balkan and i heard tales of vampire but never half vampire,i doubt it is true,they could be tales of specific village or area in balkan thought..
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Re: hello
Post # 19
And if you are into Balkan folklore what is most common type of fairy found into tales?
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Re: hello
Post # 20
I find wikipedia very helpful... don't diss wikipedia...
So, are you what I call a half-ling?
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